I don't understand the God who'd let us meet if we could never be together. 上帝既已安排我們相識,怎能不讓我們相守! When they ask me what I liked the best,I'll tell them "It was you". 當他們問我最愛的是什麼,我會告訴他們。。。就是你! I would rather have had one breath of her hair, 我寧可呼吸到她飄散在空氣中的發香, I have a feeling there's something bigger out there. Bigger than we and bigger than you. 我老覺得,有種巨大的力量,讓你我都顯得好渺小! I wait all day just hoping for one more minute with you. 我整日都盼著能與你有多一分鍾的相聚! I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, and one touch of her hands than an eternity without it. 我聞到過她的秀發在空氣中的飄香,我親吻過她柔軟的雙唇,我曾觸碰到她溫暖的手——我寧願要這些短暫的時刻,也不願意要沒有這些的孤獨的永生。 We were made to fit together. 我們注定彼此相屬。
這些全都是天使之城的 尼古拉斯凱奇主演的
一、 學向日葵。向日葵向太陽鞠躬。你看到鞠的太低的向日葵直不起來,那就意味著它們已枯死!你是侍應,不是下人。服務是提高自我的藝我的藝術。上帝為人服務,但上帝不是下人。 二、 我覺得比起早死,我更要感謝神讓我降生到這世上來,能夠這樣跟你相遇,這樣被你愛著。 三、 這是我的經曆,這是我父親所作的犧牲,這是父親賜我的恩典。 四、 我們因為害怕時間的流逝,一直在聊些有的沒的, 說話的內容是什麼都無所謂,我隻是想一直聽著你的聲音,永遠,永遠..... 五、 如果你違反了三條規定中的任何一條,你的得分就會被扣光:一、如果你哭,二、如果你想要見媽媽,三、如果你餓了,想要吃點心!想都別想! 六、 幸福是說不出酸酸甜甜的糖。 七、 不要憎恨你的敵人,否則你將做出錯誤的判斷。 don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment. 八、 為了記住你的笑容,我拚命按下心中的快門。 九、 沒有人的人生是完美的,但生命的每一刻都是美麗的。 無論什麼樣的災難降臨,隻要生命還在,生活始終要繼續。 活著,就是最美麗的事。 十、 you know what napoleon gave josephine as a wedding present? it was a gold locket. and onthe inside, he made an inscription "destiny".你知道拿破侖給了約瑟芬什麼結婚禮物嗎?是一個金匣子,他在裏麵刻了字“命運”。 十一、 everybody is waiting.每個人都在等待著什麼。 十二、 you see her every day. i want to know what makes her knees weak. what makes her blood boiland her body tingle. she's a wild stallion and you'll help me break her. i'm... i'm here man ofmystery.你每天都見到她,我想知道怎樣使她折服,熱血沸騰,渾身癢癢。她是匹野馬,你幫我馴服她,我……我是她的仰慕者。 十三、 she's my dream, frank, she's my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.她簡直是我的夢中情人,弗蘭克,她簡直讓我魂牽夢繞。 十四、 you have two stamps. one red, one green. i have chance to go new york.你有兩個章:一個紅,一個綠。那我去紐約的機會就是百分之五十。 十五、 frank dixon: sometimes you land a small fish. you unhook him very carefully. you place him back in the water. you set him free so that somebody else can have the pleasure of catching him.弗蘭克:有的時候你把一條小魚放在陸地上,你很小心地把他放下。你把他放回了水裏。你給了他自由那麼就有別人可以享受抓捕他的快樂。 十六、 i'm nominating you to take my place. starting today, you will assume the duties of acting fieldcommissioner until you get approval from washington.我指名要你來接替我的位子,從現在開始,你將是這個機場的首席人物,就等華盛頓那邊的任務書了。 十七、 you feed me information about her and i'll feed you.你給我她的信息,我給你吃的。 十八、 i've been waiting for a phone call for seven years. i know it's coming, victor. that's why i can'tbreak it off. that's why i live out of hotels and have my little suitcase packed, ready to go, justin case he wants to meet me for the weekend. yeah, i've been waiting my whole life. just don'tknow what the hell for.我一直在等一通電話,等了七年……我知道快了,維克多,所以我才無法斬斷情絲,所以我住在賓館裏,行李整理好,隨時準備離開,以免他周末想要見我。沒錯,我一直等了一輩子,就是不明白究竟為什麼。 十九、 amelia:i%26rsquo;ve been waiting my whole life,just don%26rsquo;t konw what the hell for.艾米麗婭:我這一生都在等待著,隻是不知道到底在等誰。 二十、 有時候等待,有時候追趕,也不知道該去向何方 二十一、 有一種人,他自無心豔麗了眉目,卻不知旁人已為之顛倒,難以解脫。 二十二、 別人欺騙了你,並不純粹是他的過,也是自己太蠢了,說什麼你都信。所以不要不滿,不要怨恨,坦白承認自己的錯。 二十三、 每個人都有自己的選擇,我們都是如此,放棄一些不太重要的,換取一些重要的,值與不值,不足為外人道。 二十四、 當感情到了無話可說,需要敷衍的時候,就真的是該散了 二十五、 you can lose all your points for any one of three things. one: if you cry. two: if you ask to see your mother. three: if you‘re hungry and ask for a snack! forget it!如果你違反了三條規定中的任何一條,你的得分就會被扣光:一、如果你哭,二、如果你想要見媽媽,三、如果你餓了,想要吃點心!想都別想! 二十六、 giosué orefice:(以成人角度講述)這是一個簡單的故事,但講起來卻不那麼輕鬆。 二十七、 太美的東西,人們大都不敢靠近,好像隻有仰望才能對得起它的美 二十八、 還沒離開的時候覺得舍不得,但是真正要離開了,卻是什麼感覺都沒有了 二十九、 想要離開,但是我那麼不勇敢,連說出口的勇氣都沒有 三十、 時光是你送給我的盆栽植物,你來時盛開,走後荒蕪 三十一、 愛上一個人能有多少理由?我覺得他好,便是全部。 三十二、 at least they don‘t make the children and old people work.they don‘t make them work because they kill them! one day, you will hear a lady calling, “kids, come take a shower,” then they gas them!至少他們沒有讓老人和孩子工作。不讓他們工作是要殺死他們!某天,你會聽見一位女士說:”孩子們,來洗個澡。”然後就用毒氣殺死他們! 三十三、 如果你從不曾嚐過糖果的美味,那你也就不會惦記它的味道。可是正因為已經知道它有多好,所以才會更舍不得忘掉。 三十四、 東西丟了或許還能找回來,但是壞了的話,無論怎樣傷口都無法修複。所以,我寧願什麼都不要了 《美麗人生》是一部由羅伯托·貝尼尼執導,羅伯托·貝尼尼、尼可萊塔·布拉斯基、喬治·坎塔裏尼等人主演的劇情片。1997年12月20日,該片在意大利上映。 該片講述了一對猶太父子被送進了納粹集中營,父親利用自己的想像力扯謊說他們正身處一個遊戲當中,最後父親讓兒子的童心沒有受到傷害,而自己卻慘死的故事。1999年,該片在第71屆奧斯卡獎獲得了最佳外語片、最佳男主角、最佳配樂三項獎項 。
1。My mama always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
2。Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been.
《亂世佳人》,隻記得一句:Tomorrow is another day(明天又是新的一天)。
《肖申克的救贖》The Shawshank Redemption—Red: Sometimes it makes me sad though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty now they are gone. I guess I just miss my friend. 阿瑞(獨白):有時我感到悲哀,因為安迪走了。 我得提醒自己,有些鳥兒是籠子關不住的,因為它們的羽毛太漂亮了。而當它們飛走之後,你會為它們感到歡欣鼓舞,因為囚禁它們實在是一種罪過。可是現在沒有了他們,這裏的生活會顯得更加單調和空虛。我猜我隻是在想念我的朋友。
《角鬥士》Gladiator—Marcus: There was a dream that was Rome. I can only whisper of it now. Anything more than a whisper and the dream vanishes. It's so...fragile. The true glory of Rome is in a very fragile idea. Imagine a place devoted to the rights of the citizen, where every free man has a voice. That was the dream... And I fear it will not survive the winter. ……
It the dream is ever to live again the people must have a true voice. The voice I took from them. That all the Caesars took from them, bit by bit, conquest by conquest. And now that I am dying I am going to give them that voice again. 馬庫斯·奧裏利烏斯:曾經有一個夢想,那就是羅馬。我現在隻能用耳語把它說出來,因為聲音稍大一點這個夢想就會破滅。它太…脆弱了。羅馬的真正光榮隻是一個脆弱的理想。想象這樣一個地方吧,它致力於維護公民的人權。在這裏,每一個自由人都可以表達自己的意願。這就是我的夢想。可我卻擔心這個夢想活不過這個冬天。……如果這個夢想要獲得新生,就必須讓人民說真話。我已經剝奪了他們的這種權利。羅馬曆代皇帝,隨著一次次征戰的勝利,也一點點剝奪了羅馬人民說真話的權利。而現在,我就要死了,我要把這個權利重新還給他們。
Commodus: I search the faces of the Gods for ways to please you... to make you proud... and I can never do it. Ond kind word-- one full hug where you pressed me to your chest and held me tight-- would have been like the sun on my heart for a thousand years... What is it in me you hate so much? My eyes are your eyes. My hands are your hands. All I have ever wanted was to live up to you. Caesar. Father. ……Why does Maximus deserve what I could never have?-- Why do you love his eyes over mine? -- I would butcher the whole world-- if you would only love me...(很狗血加戀父的台詞)康莫多斯太子:我從眾神的臉上尋求啟示,以便討得您的歡心…使您為我自豪…可是我從來就沒做到。如果您對我說出一個仁慈的字眼,能給我一個真心的擁抱,那簡直就像千年一遇的太陽照在了我的心上…我身上究竟有什麼使您對我如此痛恨?我的眼睛就是您的眼睛,我的雙手就是您的雙手。我一生就在想要您為我自豪呀!父皇!……為什麼馬克西莫斯能得到的,我卻從來不能得到?為什麼您愛他的眼睛勝過愛我的眼睛?我甚至可以屠殺整個世界——隻要您能愛我……(康莫多斯在哭喊中將父皇殺死。)
《網上情緣》You've got mail—Joe: What's his handle? Come on, I'm not going to write him. Is that what you think? 喬:他的網名是什麼?——告訴我吧,我不會給他寫電子情書的,我以為你會幹這種事嗎?
Kathleen: NY 152. 凱瑟琳:NY152.
Joe: One five two. One hundred fifty two. Very interesting. He's 152 years old. He has 152 haires remaining on his head. He's had 152 moles removed and now he has 152 pockmarks. --His combined college board scores. 喬:一五二。一百五十二。很有意思。他有一百五十二歲。他頭上還剩一百五十二根頭發。他臉上有一百五十二顆痣被切除了,所以現在他臉上留下了152個麻子。也許是他大學分數的組合。
Kathleen: His IQ. 凱:也許是他的智商。
Joe: The number of women he's slept with. 喬:也許是他睡過的女人的總數。
Kathleen: The number of times he's seen The Godfater. 凱:也許是他看望教父的此數。
Joe: That's the first good thing I've heard about him. 喬:這可是我頭一回聽到你說他的好話。
Kathleen: His address. No, no, no. He would never do anything that prosaic. 凱:也許是他的地址。不、不、不。他絕不會做出這樣沒有詩意的事情來。(其實這正是喬的地址——凱瑟琳的話就像給了喬一記耳光。)
《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump,因為是直接記的台詞,沒記是誰說的。(我記得以下這句是阿甘說的,引述的他老媽的話)Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. 人生就像一盒各式各樣的巧克力,你永遠不知道下一塊將會是哪種。(以下這句也是阿甘說的)Mama said not to be taking rides from strangers. 媽媽說不要上陌生人的車。
Miracles happen every day. 每天都會有奇跡。
What's your sole purpose in this army? 你到部隊來幹神馬?
To do whatever you tell me, Drill Sergeant! 幹你叫我幹的事,教官!
God damn it, Gump, you're a goddamn genius. That's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard. You must have a goddamn IQ of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump. 他女馬白勺,阿甘,你他女馬白勺真是個天才。這是我聽過的最了不起的回答。你他女馬白勺智商一定有一百六。你他女馬白勺的真有天賦,列兵阿甘。
Do not salute me. Thare are goddamn snipers all around this area who'd love to grease an officer. 不要向我敬禮。這一帶他女馬白勺有很多狙擊手,最喜歡打軍官。
《絕情40天》40 Days 40 Nights(也譯為《40天40夜》,18N)。嗯,以下N多台詞,未成年人最好別看,英語教材裏頭絕對不會出現(也有極大可能無法通過度娘的審查……)—Just because we can't have Sex, doesn't mean we can't hang out. 僅僅因為我們不能做愛,並不表示我們不能交往。
Just sitting here talking with you, I'm mind orgasmic right now. 隻是坐在這和你聊天,我的意識就馬上達到高潮。
They were sponsoring hot women wearing no bras day. 她們發起了“性感女郎無胸罩日”(運動)。
Isn't sex a God-given natural part of life? 性愛不是上帝賜予的正常生活的一部分嗎?
I think a good sexual appetite is a real, normal, healthy part of being a man, and a woman. 我認為良好的性要求是男人真實、正常、健康的一部分,女人也一樣。
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