Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watchin俯肌碘可鄢玖碉雪冬磨g. Sing like nobody's listening. Work like you don't need the money. Live like it's Heaven on Earth. 去愛吧 如同從未受過傷害一樣 跳舞吧 如同周圍無人關注一樣 唱歌吧 如同無人聆聽一樣 工作吧 如同不需要金錢一樣 生活吧 如同今日同末日一樣
As I look into your eyes I see an angel in disguise like I've never been here next to you near and keep you by my side Whenever i see you smile I'll drop into a fairytale Like a playful child sleeping on the puffy cloud Then the cloud disappeared I fell all the way down to here but you helped me to fight away my fears I heard you whisper in my ear all of the words i long to hear of how you'll always be here next to me to wipe away my tears. Bitterness Standing still on the beach, thinking of the hurtful speech. Wondering why he had to be cruel, and makes the sand being washed away, by my tears through.....and through...... Didn't want to feel the wind of depression, and will never give my heart to another person. Tend to think that time could heal, tortured .. struggled... but still feeling ill. Seaweed waved and sang, feel the sour taste in my lung. The perfect love was never found, sank into the pain... Ying wen and slowly drowned. i don't know English some thinks i'm brave mysterious face and the unbreakable faith i like listening to music but also enjoys the quiet things hurt me and excits me wouldn't change me even a bit Dazzling white teeth, and shy, unstable path makes me ordinary but more exordinary
test my perseverance
i understand people understand me enough, why should i force you to understand me.
no interaction is not love
非主流是另類到讓大眾無法接受的意思,這個詞隻有中國大陸人才說,而且廣泛用詞不當,正確來說形容外表時和殺馬特劃等號,而殺馬特也是非主流這個詞的代表和鼻祖家族,更是這個詞的來源原因之主要部分。非主流是一種完全變質的時尚、潮流。本來是很小眾的詞彙,很多人誤解這個詞的意思是因為一些論壇借著這個詞的火熱,而把和非主流無關的圖片、音樂、網名等等不非主流的東西用詞不當地冠上非主流這個形容詞。 請采納或追問。
you. ArE. My. Only. Do. YoU. Know.?