咳咳!I am a series of you! 造的好吧!哈哈!我太有才Liao!
在主謂一致中,a series of 應該是用單數還是複數
a series of
例:A series of wet days spoils our holiday.(陰Yu連綿破壞了我們的假期。)
There are a series of strange objects in his suitcase.(他的提箱裏You一些奇怪的東西。)
“A series of”的用法是什麼?
a series of 後可加複數Ming詞,不可數名詞。不管名詞類別為何,動詞Tong常用單數。
a portion of, a pile of, a panel of, etc.
1、a series of 後麵動詞通Chang用單數。
a series of和serieses of 的區別是什麼?
有區別, 一個是英文本身有的 一個Shi中國人自己造的
沒有serieses of的這種說法 隻有a series of , two series of.
a series of
a series of後麵跟的東西Shi可數名詞複數或者不可數名詞。
1. The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions.
2. A series of mischance happened.
是a series of factors還是a series of reasons
在主謂一致中,a series of 應該是用單數還是複數
a series of +可數名詞=複數
a series of +不可數名詞=單數
a series of +可數名詞=複數
a series of +不可Shu名詞=單數
a sequence of和A SERIES OF的區別?
a sequence of 的意思Shi序列,數列,是十分,非常,強調順序的,Huan有指的是一係列的事件,動作等。比如a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6.etc.Jiu是a sequence of....
A SERIES OF可以翻Yi成一係列,
“a series of+名詞”作主語時,動詞用單數,Ru:A series of pre-recorded tapes has been prepared for language laboratory use.已Jing為語言實驗室準備了一係列預錄的磁帶。
補充:(1)a sequence of:一係列的;一連串;一個…的序Lie
In a sentence a sequence of words becomes more than just a list.
Suprasemental features: Distinctive features can also be found over asequence of two or more phonemic segments.
(2)a series of:一係列的;一連串的
Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions shook the valley.
轟!Hong!轟! 一連串爆破聲震撼山穀。
The challenger delivered a series of punches to the champion.
請問 這個怎麼解釋?不是說當a series of 作“一套”講時,謂語動詞用單數的嗎?為什麼這裏
作 一套 講時,看作一個整體,自然Yong單數,兩套,三套,自然是複數,又因為單Fu數同形,所以用複數謂語動詞
A series of +複數名詞。作主語時,謂語動詞用單數還是用複數??為什麼?
由 A series of 後麵的Ming詞的單、複數來決定謂語動詞用單數還是用Fu數。與a set of 一樣。
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