v. 組織, 安排, 籌辦
1. "Don't mourn for me. Organize!" These were his last words.
2. Sarah has been enlisted to organize the party.
3. All her friends have been roped in to help organize the event.
4. To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically.
5. He needs to marry a down-to-earth person who will organize his life for him.
He will probably take the many facts which he has collected and organize them into some kind of system. 這是主句,前麵的是從句。
He will take AAA and organize AAA into BBB把AAA整理一下歸納成BBBHe will probably take 【the many facts which he has collected】 and organize them into 【some kind of system】. 就是把他收集來的各種實證例子整理歸納為一整個係統。
用下例單詞各造一個正確的英語句子1.organize 2.flower 3.against 4....
5 We can hut on the mountain tonight1 How do you organize your team?您是如何組織項目團隊的?2 It is a flower common in the field.這是一種田野裏常見的花。
3 Are you against it or for it.他急忙抓住這個機會?你對此事是反對呢還是讚成?4 He caught at the chance
——伏爾泰 運動太多和太少,同樣的損傷體力;飲食過多與過少,同樣的損傷健康;唯有適度可以產生、增進、保持體力和健康。
——亞裏士多德 日複一日地堅持練下去吧,隻有活動適量才能保持訓練的熱情和提高運動的技能。
——塞涅卡 運動是一切生命的源泉。
——達·芬奇 一個埋頭腦力勞動的人,如果不經常活動四肢,那是一件極其痛苦的事情。
——列夫·托爾斯泰 我生平喜歡步行,運動給我帶來了無窮的樂趣。
——愛因斯坦 靜止便是死亡,隻有運動才能敲開永生的大門。
——泰戈爾 生活多美好啊,體育鍛煉樂趣無窮。
謂語是"examine"賓語是"care"定語從句(Attributive Clause):用作定語的從句叫定語從句。
1. 這個句子是祈使句,所以說話人想讓你做一件事。
什麼事呢?Examine the care! 檢驗他的細心!(care有多種含義,這裏為“細心”)2. 接下來,說話人就說明什麼“細心”: the care with which he organized toilets to be built for all his followers. 這是一個定語從句,但還是太長,那麼我們分解~3. 可以明確地告訴你,"to be built for all his followers" 是用來修飾toilets的。
4. 現在我們明確了"toilets to be built for all his followers",就來看這部分吧:"the care with which he organized toilets",很明顯,這個縮短了的定語從句的意思就是:“他整理這些廁所的細心” 其中,with是care的介詞。
5. 好了,整句連起來:檢驗他整理要為他所有跟隨者建造的廁所的細心~ 聽起來很怪~ 而且因為這個句子的英語是老式英語,所以應該換一種翻譯方式,讓它順溜起來~ 我的翻譯是:“你看,他整理要為他所有跟隨者建築的廁所時,有多麼細心!”當然啦,都是個人觀點。
1.Two nights ago she was too nervous to eat anything.2.when two people find that the second earthquake,they ran away from the house right away3.That 60 percent after three terrible disaster of homeless children live in the city were sent to other safe place4.They have been using candles, no electricity5.The north side of the ruins of the factory, a little girl was digged out6.The soldiers rescued that few of the boys from the rapids , we are proud of them7.We would like to pay honour to those who organized the rescue不知道對不對阿
sql 語句分組並求每組總數
select r.regionName 區域,sum(case when d.sate = 1 then 1 else 0 end) 在線數量,sum(case when d.sate = 0 then 1 else 0 end) 離線數量from region r,organize o,devInfo dwhere r.regionId = o.regionIdand o.organziedId = d.organzieIdgroup by r.regionName
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