it's better not to translate it word to word, if the english express well in another words, then do it !
1. Do you like to listen to the music? 2 the girl can't cross the street3 she must wait for a green? No,it doesn't4 can that women put her bike under the tree?5.She must be her bike to find a proper place6 she mustn't take your bike before in the supermarketShe can use the basket? yes8 I can put my volleyball in where?9 we can play computer games? No. After we can play.10. What time is it now? Now, seven moment11 we were late for school? Don't12 they each week to school six days? yes13 your math class on Tuesday? yes14 what time they're playing basketball? At 3:45You often eat driver talk to each other? Don't16. I usually get up at 6 o 'clock in the morning. Half an hour later I eat breakfast17. Your bike back home? yesAnd when you do your homework? At 6:3019. Tom "the" time for dinner? At 7:0020 he how many classes every day? 721. Peter often play basketball after schoolThe late Saturday, Nick. He get up after 9 o 'clock23. She often helps her mother clean the house, but sometimes he also write emails to her friends24 you father sometimes where reading a newspaper?25 you mom often shopping at the weekend? yes26 when your mother for you cook? On weekends, but sometimes she doesn't wash dishes27 you father at the weekend to go fishing with you? Yes. He also often wipe his car28 and he often find information on the Internet? Don't29 the girl often listen to music and cunning. The boy read comic books for half an hour30. He enjoyed his weekend? yes31. Mary doesn't like along the street32. The mother on Wednesday morning cleaning?33 you to take a bus to school? No, I go to school by bike34 I often read English newspapers dad in the library. You?35 we now think and do you go to the bookstore36 what do you often do on weekends? He often read books at home37 in her birthday party? Yes, she has many birthday gift38. Do you want some CDS? Yes, I just one39. Do you want to buy? I want to buy a gift for him40 when you want to shopping? After school, you want to go with me?41 where can we buy these toys? In the toy shop near our school42 and she wears a pink sweater and a pair of blue jeans, she looks so cool43. The bottle how many juice? manyYour friend for 44 you bought many gifts?45. Everyone enjoyed meeting, some people are talking about the film, some interesting table enjoy meal46. Last of all his friends to him and to his singing a happy birthday47. They want to share her and the big cake? yes48. All of her friends enjoyed? yes49 Millie. Where is her birthday party?50 yourself at the party?51. When is your birthday? Seiqnyied bat, in52 I twin brother Nick often eat a big meal?53. My birthday is my favorite day of the year54: what do you usually get 54 birthday gift? Clothes, shoes, toys and other good things
把以下句子翻譯(翻譯成英語) 我畢業於清河一小 我的愛好有很多 我...
1.More and more people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.2.When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study 3.Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a health 4.Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists, efforts to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism 5.According to a recent survey, about four million people die from smoking related diseases every year6.The latest surveys show that quite a few children have, what associations with homework
As a mother, I knew I couldn't make up to you for years without obligations, I tried, struggle. But to no avail. Mom just wanted to wish you grow up quickly, grew up you will stand in front of my life, at mom to you be short of regret. But I was wrong, I feel laughable, you exactly hatred I, why? Why? Mother not wrong, mother always hard to earn money, struggling to wait. Was it the end? Children, you get what kind of education method? Is your father, he won't be a better father, he brought me a glimmer of hope also destroys the final so cruel. I give to your economic all cannot achieve, I really fail.
It is a rewarding journey.這是一次收獲之旅(言簡意賅)。
We have with us at the reception…這句話的意思根據我的理解應該是:參加本次招待會的有…(羅列人名)2。
Allow me, first of all, to express our cordial welcome to our distinguished guests.譯:首先,請允許我向各位尊貴的客人表示熱烈的歡迎!3.It gives us great pleasure to entertain our distinguished guests here. 譯:能在此招待各位,我們實感榮幸。
4.Renew our old friendship.重續舊日友誼.5.Comments are welcome./Your advice will be appreciated. 我們歡迎您的批評、指教。
6.Do you still feel the jet lag?您時差倒過來了嗎?(jet lag - 時差症:由於在噴氣飛機上快速跨越幾個時區而造成的短暫的身體節律的紊亂)7.Today we gather here to solemnly commemorate…今天,我們齊聚這裏,隆重地紀念…8.Your presence just honors this meeting. 您能出席這次會議,我們倍感榮幸。
9.On behalf of all my colleagues, I would like to extend our warm welcome to you. 我代表所有的同事,向你表示最熱烈的歡迎。
10.With a sense of great sorrow we bid farewell to…懷著沉痛的心情,我們向…道別(或者根據後文,譯作:我們告別了…)。
11.Let us toast to our long-standing/time-honored friendship.讓我們舉杯,祝願我們的友誼地久天長!(或者口語化一點:願我們的友誼地久天長,幹杯!)12.We go back with a full load of friendship.帶著友誼與祝福,我們滿載而歸。
英語句子翻譯 最好能給出多種答案!
1. There were many students ten minutes ago.2. Lucy is taking a class.3. His words sound very interesting.4. In my opinion, he is a student.5. again 再一次,又一次。
1. Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes. 2. Walk will help you keep healthy. 3. I must eat more vegetables.4. I usually have a week 8 to 10 times of fruit.5. You always do on Saturday?這個一定正確!
幫忙把這個句子翻譯成英語 : 為了有強壯的身體,我們應該盡可能多...
你好,正確答案應該是:We should exercise as much as possible in order to have a strong body. 有一個強壯的身體 have a strong body. as much as possible 盡可能多的~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你進步,如對你有幫助,請及時采納~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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