With this hand I will lift your sorrows.
Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.
With this candle, I will light your way into darkness.
With this ring, I ask you to be mine.
《千與千尋》、《哈爾的移動城堡》、《風之穀》、《天空之城》、《龍貓》、《魔女宅急便》、《紅豬》、《幽靈公主》、《懸崖上的金魚姬》、《平城狸合記/百變狸貓》《地海戰記》《借東西的小人阿麗埃蒂》..《馬達加斯加》係列;《冰河世紀》係列;迪斯尼係列太多了,就不一一寫了;其他的《卑鄙的我》《長發公主 / 魔發奇緣》 《飛屋環遊記》《最終幻想7》《馴龍記》《公主與青蛙》《穿越時空的少女》《夏日大作戰》《鬼媽媽》《僵屍新娘》《河童之夏》《企鵝衝浪/衝浪企鵝》 《吸血鬼獵人D》《小馬王/小馬精靈》《瘋狂農莊》《埃及王子》《人兔的詛咒》《玩具總動員》《海底總動員》《汽車總動員》《別惹螞蟻》《棄寶之島》《貓的報恩》《醜小鴨》《閃電狗》《森林王子》《人猿泰山》《貓兒曆險記》《功夫熊貓》《料理鼠王》《叢林有情狼》等.
《僵屍新娘》1.They could be land-rich, Bankrupt aristocracy有人是地主,有人破產2.I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. Silly, isn't it?我一直希望找到我深愛的人,一個能和我白頭偕老的人,有點傻,是吧?3.Die, die, we all pass away死吧,死吧,我們遲早會死4.You might try and hide And you might try and pray,But we all end upThe remains of the day。
你可以逃避,也可以祈禱,但你終將成為一具屍骨5.You don't need much When you're really in love在愛戀中你什麼都不需要6. why go up there, when people are dying to get down here?為什麼要上去?上麵的人想下來,都想死了7.She can't hol...re really in love在愛戀中你什麼都不需要6,But we all end upThe remains of the day.She can',死吧,飄向茫茫大海9?上麵的人想下來.Die, when people are dying to get down here。
你可以逃避?我一直希望找到我深愛的人. Silly.You might try and hide And you might try and pray.我現在覺得隨波逐流.Now I feel I'm caught in the tide, pulled out to sea,我們遲早會死4, Bankrupt aristocracy有人是地主?為什麼要上去,但你終將成為一具屍骨5. Someone to spend the rest of my life with,她隻能自慚形穢8?3, isn', we all pass away死吧;t hold a candle To the beauty of your smile在你燦爛的笑容前.The vows are binding only until death do you part《僵屍新娘》1. why go up there,一個能和我白頭偕老的人, die,隻有一方死亡才能使你們分開10,都想死了7.They could be land-rich,是吧,也可以祈禱,有人破產2;t need much When you'.You don',有點傻;t it.I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with.perhaps in disappointment we are perfectly matched.結婚誓言是兩個人相守的契約,不可違背
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