句中提到了這些同義近義的可相互替代的表達:administrators/they/their/the Shang/crafters.
由於缺乏更多上下文語境(也不需要了),隻能這麼說,The Shang有可能指管理者,此時顯然隻能是一部分商朝人;也可能指的是crafters,此時泛指商朝的能工巧匠們,但是用整個商朝人代替了。而絕不可能refer to商朝。因為句中除了the Shang以外的同義近義名詞全是複數。
in the sense that they developed a coherent bureaucracy for their empire做整個句子的方式狀語 that到empire是sense的同位語從句,具體詳述sense的內容。結構如下:
[方式狀語in the sense (同位語從句that they developed a coherent bureaucracy for their empire)]
全句隻有一個主語,就是the Shang。
高中語文知識點|正確使用成語之“容易重複贅餘的成語” 一個高中語文老教師根據多年教學經驗並結合曆年各地試題總結出來的考頻高的“容易重複贅餘的成語”。
先來看看下麵這四個成語使用是否正確吧 記住下麵這些容易重複贅餘的成語,就再也不怕這類題了。
容易重複累贅的成語 (括號內的詞多餘,應刪去) 1.出乎意料(之外) 2.感激涕零(地流下眼淚) 3.接踵而至(地闖進來) 4.開誠相見(地交換意見) 5.刻骨銘心(地難以忘記) 6.口若懸河(地說個不停) 7.滿腹經綸(的才華) 8.潛移默化(地影響著) 9.三令五申(地強調) 10.習以為常(的習慣) 11.一覽無餘(地看到) 12.責無旁貸(的責任) 13.(廣大災民)哀鴻遍野 14.(感到)愛莫能助 15.(渾身)遍體鱗傷 16.(一起)並駕齊驅 17.(突然)不期而遇 18.(沒想到受到)不虞之譽 19.(親眼)耳聞目睹 20.(正)方興未艾 21.(各自)分道揚鑣 22.(忽然)恍然大悟 23.(還)記憶猶新 24.(獨自)孑然一身 25.(值得)可歌可泣 26.(迅速)立竿見影 27.(令人)利令智昏 28.(到處)漫山遍野 29.(突然)茅塞頓開 30.(更加)彌足珍貴 31.(勞苦大眾)民不聊生 32.(一天天)日臻完善 33.(好像)如數家珍 34.(說得)閃爍其詞 35.(眾多的)莘莘學子 36.(百姓)生靈塗炭 37.(說話音量大)聲如洪鍾 38.(自然地)水到渠成 39.(幾天幾夜)通宵達旦 40.(自己)妄自菲薄 41.(替他)為虎作倀 42.(覺得)習以為常 43.(顯得)相形見絀 44.(各種)形形色色 45.(人為)蓄意破壞 46.(背地裏)陽奉陰違 47.(從此)一勞永逸 48.(過分)溢美之詞 49.(許多)芸芸眾生 50.(感到)自慚形穢 願大家學有所獲!...
這個部分測試你的語言熟練度的兩大方麵: (1)準確表述 準確的表述應該在語法和結構上都是有效合理的。
(2)有效表達 一句有效的語句能夠清楚、簡明扼要且語法正確地表達概念或關係。
例題: ...
你好,gmat遇到求餘數的題怎麼做? 首先就是餘數的加減法:比如說100除以7餘2,36除以7餘1。
總結寫成書麵的公式的話,就是:(M+N) mod q=((M mod q)+(N mod q)) mod q餘數的乘法:我們繼續來看上麵這個例子,如果要求100*36除以7的餘數是多少,該怎麼求呢?GMAT數學滿分的考生會這樣做:100=98+2=7*14+2,36=35+1=7*5+1;這時100*36=(7*14+2)(7*5+1)=7*14*7*5 + 2*7*5 + 7*14*1 + 2*1很明顯,100*36除以7的餘數就等於2*1=2於是我們可以得出這樣的一個結論:求M*N除以q的餘數,就等於M除以q的餘數 乘以 N除以q的餘數。
”翻譯為:The summer vacation will begin from tomorrow.(2)“這個醫生從明天起開始看病。
”翻譯為:The doctor's consultation will begin from tomorrow.這兩個漢語譯文行不行?答:(1)第一句不行。
最好改譯為:The summer vacation will begin tomorrow. 英語tomorrow是副詞,表示“在明天”。
再比如:He will leave for New York tomorrow.(他明天將去紐約。
The doctor's consultation will begin from tomorrow. “這個醫生從明天起開始看病。
再比如:She will stay here from tomorrow till Friday.(她將在這兒從明天呆到星期五。
--- 明天是起點,星期五是終點)/ The girl drew full pay from tomorrow. (這個姑娘從明天開始領全薪。
---- 以後每周或每月領一次)...
Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring fair and dry weather for several days.(A) to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and(B) ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that(C) to usher in a seasonably cool air mass to the region, a broad area of high pressure building, and(D) ushering a seasonably cool air mass in the region, with a broad area of high pressure building and(E) to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will其中正確選項E引起了很大的爭論,“,which”在該選項中是指代了a broad area of high pressure builds這個句子嗎?其實官方的回複是這樣的:官方回複In the item referred to below (IBN 12131, OG 2018 #781), 'which' could be interpreted as having the preceding clause as its antecedent, but it is better understood as having the noun phrase 'a broad area of high pressure' as its antecedent. Certain types of verbs that indicate arrival, positioning, coming into being, and the like can stand between a relative pronoun and its antecedent in cases where there is unlikely to be any confusion and the writer wants to avoid the awkwardness of putting the verb after a long intervening phrase.For example, one could say “A new CEO is coming who will change the way our company does business.” In the sentence in OG #781, this construction is a simple and efficient alternative to a wording such as “while a broad area of high pressure, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds.” Interpreted either way (with 'which' referring to the front or to the front's building), option E is clearer and more effectively expressed than any of the other options.也就是說,對於有一些表示“出現、就位、形成”的動詞,在不會造成歧義的情況下,可以放在被修飾的名詞與定語從句之間,以避免動詞在長長的修飾成分之後出現,造成了動詞距離主語過遠的awkwardness。
事實上,這種在不會造成歧義的情況下,在定語從句前加動詞的現象在之前的題目中也有出現,比如說,OG 2017的第84題(也是OG 2018的第84題):New data from United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, it saves seven dollars that would not be spent on having to extinguish big fires.(A) that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, it saves seven dollars that would not be spent on having to extinguish(B) that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing(C) that for every dollar spent on controlled small scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel saves seven dollars on not having to extinguish(D) for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, that it saves seven dollars on not having to extinguish(E) for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire management personnel, that seven dollars are saved that would not have been spent on extinguishing該題正確答案為B選項,其中seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing big fires 就是將are saved 放在了名詞與定語從句之間,不會造成歧義的同時又避免了主謂間隔過遠。
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