And everywhere I am there you'll be. 不論我到哪裏,你都會如影隨形。
When the action is over and we look back, we understand both more and less. 當一切結束,我們在回首往事的時候,懂得了失去和擁有。
Victory belongs to those who believe in it the most and believe in it the longest. 勝利屬於那些意誌堅強、持之以恒的人。
Every night I watch the sunset and soak up every last ray of its warmth, and send it from my heart to yours. 每個傍晚,看著夕陽西下,感受著它最後一縷餘暉的溫暖。我知道這溫暖從我的心裏會一直流到你的心裏。
“If I had one more night to live... I'd wanna spend it with you.” “ 如果我的生命隻剩下最後一天,我希望我能和你共同度過。”