我給你一個新概念第四冊的句子:A gentleman is, rather than does。可能唯一的生詞,是“紳士”這個詞。沒有生詞,就一看就懂嗎?
如:sol- / uni- → 都表示“一”
【探源】①都來源於拉丁語,它們常見於外來詞和科學術語;②前綴sol- 為象形前綴,可分解為:o太陽、s太陽的強光、l太陽的弱光,即它代表太陽,太陽又是獨一無二的,所以它有“單/一”的含義
【屬性】母義:sol- / uni- = one單/一
【其他】①前綴un- 為uni- 的變體,一般加在元音字母前;②有異形同義詞根:primi- / mono- / proto- / haplo- 一,前者來源於拉丁語primus,後三者來源於希臘語,如:primus第一、monopoly壟斷、protozoa原生動物、haplocaulous單莖的;③它們在表示“一”時還有細微區別:primi- / proto- 第一、mono- 一、haplo- 單一
unicycle → 單輪腳踏車
unite → 結合/合並/聯合/團結
uniform → 一樣的/同一的
unicorn → 獨角獸
solo → 獨奏曲/單獨的
solve → 解決/解答
sole → 單獨的/唯一的
solid → 固體/立體
-jac- / -ject- → 都表示“投擲”
【探源】①都來源拉丁語jacere投擲,它們屬於一對同源異形根,前者是此詞的不定式詞幹,在英語中的派生詞較少;後者是此詞的動名詞詞幹,有較強的孳生能力;②來源基礎詞eject 逐出/噴射,為它的變體,含義為它的引申義,分解為:e- 出/外 + -ject- 投,把一個一個地水滴向外投出去,即逐出/噴射
【屬性】母義:-jac- / -ject- = throw投擲
【其他】①-jec- / -jet-為詞根-ject- 的變體,有同形異義詞根:-cast- 扔/投;②詞根-ject- 相應的希臘語詞根為:-ballist- 拋,如:ballistics彈道學、ballistophobia射擊恐怖症
【分析】e- 出/外、-a (n.)(向外投出某種廢棄物,即噴出物/廢物/排出物)
sub- 下/下麵(打敗某人,並使之投靠你的門下,即使服從)
in- 入/內/裏麵(用針管投入病人體內,即注入/注射)
re- 回/反(出口的商品,不斷的被投擲回來,即拒絕/抵製/駁回)
inter- 中間(在某物中間忽然射入的,即突然插入)
ab- 離開(形容離開了某個投注中大獎的機會,啊!淒慘啊!淒慘!即淒慘的/可憐的/卑賤的)
ejecta → 噴出物/廢物/排出物
subject → 使服從
inject → 注入/注射
reject → 拒絕/抵製/駁回
interject → (突然)插入
abject → 淒慘的/可憐的/卑賤的
701. The assessor asserts that he inserted the deserted desserts in the desert with alert. 估價員斷言他把荒廢的甜點警惕地插入到了沙漠內。 <br> 702. The abrupt corrupt man had the Xeroxed code corroded in the erosion episode. 唐突的腐敗的男人將被複印的代碼侵蝕在一段腐蝕情節中。 703. The enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright. 開明的人在驚駭中突出他有力的洞察力。 <br> 704. I would rather withhold than uphold you unfold the gold foil on the threshold. 我寧願拒絕也不支持你在門口(在快要開始的時候)打開金箔。 <br> 705. The imposing man posed as a man of good disposition and disposed of the rubbish. 使人難忘的人擺出好脾氣的姿勢然後處理垃圾。 <br> 706. The prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged. 散文作家的診斷透露這個軟管損壞了。 <br> 707. The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty. 柔軟的小蝦有推動力地執行被強製的義務。 <br> 708. The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit. 關於赤字的含蓄的暗示不清楚。 <br> 709. The degeneration of regenerative gene is exaggerated. 再生基因的退化(惡化)被誇大了。 <br> 710. The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is petty. 有能力的上訴人(請求人)認為永久的動力(刺激)是不重要的。 <br> 711. The superstitious man put the priority on the superficial supersonic superiority. 迷信的人將優先權放到膚淺的超級(超聲波)的自尊(優勢)上。 712. The traitor in strait straightforwardly told me the traits of the bait. 在窘迫中(苦惱)的叛國者直接地告訴了我誘餌的特征。 713. The Oriental is proficient in the ingredients. 東方人精通配料(成分)。 <br> 714. The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious. 處方容器片刻使盡責的外國顧客不省人事。 715. The rotary agitator irrigated him. 旋轉式攪拌機為他清洗(傷口)。 <br> 716. The counselor bounced up to denounce discount. (法律)顧問跳起來公然指責折扣。 <br> 717. The degraded undergraduate upgraded the underlying virus program. 降級的大學肆業生升級了潛在的病毒程序。 <br> 718. Jail life made the frail retailer avail every snail in the pail. <br><br>監獄生活使虛弱的零售商人幫助每個在桶裏的蝸牛。 <br> 719. Deviation in aviation is dangerous. Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation. 飛行中的偏移是危險的。書寫通過對縮寫的偏愛減輕了。 <br> 720. On the anniversary the versatile poet wrote an adverse verse Virtue versus Evil. 在周年紀念中,多才多藝的詩人寫了一首相反的詩“美德對邪惡” 721. The recruit made the current circulate in the circuit on the circumference. 新兵使電流在圓周上的電路中循環(傳播) <br> 722. In the suitcase, the guitar tutor found the tuition by intuition. 在手提箱內,吉他家庭教練憑直覺找到學費。 <br> 723. The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch. 警惕的誘拐者派了一批戰士去艙口。 <br> 724. The wretched butcher clutched the needle and stitched it clumsily. 可憐的(悲慘的,惡劣的)屠夫抓住針然後笨拙地縫它。 725. The peer's queer peering is a sheer sneer. 同等的人的可疑的窺視是一個純粹的嘲笑。 <br> 726. The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money. 流通(貨幣)課程使得旅行者招致了時間和金錢的損失。 727. The stray betrayer arrayed the sprayers on the road. 迷路的叛徒在路上排列了噴霧器。<br> 728. Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab. 在荒涼的實驗室中,灰塵聚集在絕緣的模擬器上 <br> 729. The inflated balloon indicates a latent inflation on the plateau. 膨脹的氣球預示著在高原上的一個潛在的通過膨脹(膨脹)。 730. Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report. 微不足道的貢品形成(構成)了選舉人的報告的屬性。 <br> 731. I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter. 我尖銳和堅決地反駁了對無聲的(沉默的)通勤者的殘忍的迫害。 <br> 732. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil. 這個措施可以排除對至關重要的原油的銷售的獨家代理。 733. He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict. 他敘述(描述)了與裁決相矛盾的定罪。 734. Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism. 放大磁力(磁)的量圾。 <br> 735. The deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity. 慈善團體的代理注意闡明了透明和純潔的重要性。 <br><br>736. The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo. 有軌電車的腳步聲淹沒了帶有香波的火腿漢堡。 <br> 737. According to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes. 根據這個小冊子,在放大器中的電流可以被增強到3安培。 738. Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude. 在一個高度,沿著經度和惟獨拉長海綿。 <br> 739. The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory. 保守的人在天文台做了預約。 <br> 740. The mender recommends me to amend the legend(傳說) agenda(議程). 修理的人建議我改正圖例操作規程。 <br> 741. His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious. 他對鍾擺的附屬品的全麵的理解是很明顯的。 742. Elevate the eleventh level to relevant height. 升高第11級到相應的高度。 <br> 743. Thereafter, I adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory. 從那以後,我堅持理論的內在一致。 <br> 744. The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller. 預言者適當地撥出資金來修理螺旋槳。 <br> 745. I'm baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego. <br> 我感到困惑,為什麼有關聯的(附屬的)人倡導(促使,發起)談判代表利己主義。 746. The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable. 有放射性的鐳輻射體(散熱器)在廣場中的輻射半徑是可變的。 747. Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby. 勢力的Knob在大廳做他的業餘愛好。 <br> 748. The ass bypassed the guard and assassinated the surpassing ambassador in the embassy. 笨人(驢)繞過警衛在大使館中刺殺了優秀的大使 <br> 749. The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator. 公司的主體精心合作生產振動蒸發器。 <br> 750. The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me. 從數字設備中發出的耀眼的(眼花繚亂的)光使我眩暈。 <br> 16天記住7000考研單詞(第十六天) <br>751. The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc. 那種已絕跡的珍奇的鳥的羽毛中含鋅. <br> 752. The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat. <br><br>走私者對在拖船中擁抱臭蟲的號手聳聳肩. <br> 753. The vocation advocate found the word "vocal" and "reciprocal" not in the vocabulary. 職業倡導者發現“嗓音的”和“交互的”兩詞不在詞彙表中. 754. Without my aid I'm afraid the maiden would have been raided. 沒有我的幫助我怕少女已遭到襲擊。 <br> 755. The slim Muslim reached his climax when he found the axis of the galaxy. 苗條的穆斯林在發現銀河的軸線時達到了(人生的)頂點. 756. Bonus is a stimulus for me to study the silicon in the bacon. 獎金是我研究薰肉中矽原子的動力. <br> 757. The categories of the lubricated duplicators are intricate. 那些潤滑過的複印機的種類錯綜複雜. <br> 758. The wagging wasp grasps the crisp clasp for a gasp. 搖擺的黃蜂抓住脆鉤喘息. <br> 759. The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile. 和解的爬行動物歇在易碎的瓷磚上. <br> 760. The gossip tossed the mossy blossom fossil. 愛講閑話者向上拋長滿苔蘚的花化石. <br> 761. Test the immune function by immersed dispersion. 用浸入擴散(法)測試免疫功能. 762. The lateral élite is literally illiterate. 邊上的傑出人物簡直是文盲. <br> 763. To abide the abiding bidding, the oxide bidder strides on the seaside. 為了忍耐無休止的吩咐,氧化物投標者在海濱闊步行走. 764. The tormentor enlarged the engagement garment. 折磨者加大了訂婚服裝. <br> 765. The cripple dipped the whip tip into the chip solution nearby his hip. 跛子將鞭子末端浸入他臀部旁邊的芯片溶液中。 766. The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel. 撓癢者在綽號“鎳幣”上刺了個勾號。 <br> 767. The administrator diminished the feminine miniature to minimal size. 管理員將女性縮樣縮減到最小尺寸. <br> 768. The man with mittens intermittently intervened the remittance. 戴連指手套的人間歇地介入彙款. <br> 769. The scorched couch is put in the porch of epoch. 被烤焦睡椅放在時代門廊內. <br><br>770. The monstrous monarch monopolized monarchy. 可怕的君主壟斷了君主國. <br> 771. The missionary transmitted emission emitted lately. 傳教士傳播了新近散發出來的散發物. <br> 772. I'm intent on tentative retention of potential patents. 我熱衷於潛在專利權的暫時保留. <br> 773. The expelled man repelled billions of rebellions. 遭到驅逐的男子擊退了數十億次叛亂. <br> 774. The cellar-dweller yelled, "Fell the jellyfish burglar!" 住地下室的人喊道:"打倒海蜇竊賊!" <br> 775. The diplomatic diplomas are made in automation in the autonomy. 外交證書在自治區是自動化生產的。 <br> 776. The enrolled jolly stroller polled on the trolley. 被招收的快樂的散步者在無軌電車上投票. <br> 777. The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination. 被汙染的重要維他命使種族歧視達到極點. <br> 778. The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology. 慢跑者在生態學和地質學之間進行了分析類比. <br> 779. The alliance enhanced the reliability of the applicable alloy appliances. 盟友增強了適用的合金用具的可*性. <br> 780. The gigantic panther in pants passed the transition period of heart transplant. 穿褲子的巨大黑豹度過了心髒移植的過度期. <br> 781. With a clatter, the flatterer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos. 當啷一聲,馬屁精在混亂中打碎了格格作響的瓦特表. <br> 782. “Homely food is wholesome,” the comedist said on the dome. “家常食品有益於健康,”喜劇作家在拱頂上說. <br> 783. The subtle subscriber found the prescription manuscript. 敏銳的認購者找到處方原稿. <br> 784. Time is finite and infinite. I defy the indefinite definition. 時間既是有限的又是無限的.我公然對抗這個模糊的定義. ( *_* )
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