雷神:the world hasn't changed a bit.世界一點沒變
綠巨人:did you know about this?你知道這事?
黑寡婦:you want to think about removing yourself from this environment,doctor?你想離開這兒嗎,博士?
綠巨人:I was in Calcutta.I was pretty well removed.我在加爾各答,很遠。
黑寡婦:Loki is manipulating you.洛基在控製你。
綠巨人:and you've been doing what,exactly?你不也是嗎?
黑寡婦:you didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you.你不是因為我送秋波才來的。
綠巨人:Yes,and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy.I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.是,我也不會因為你突然的不安就離開。我想知道神盾局為什麼用宇宙魔方來製造大規模殺傷性武器。
獨眼俠:because of him.因為他
獨眼俠:last year,earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that levelled a small town.we learned that not only are we not alone but we are hopelessly.hilariously,outgunned . 去年,地球上來了一位外星訪客,進行了一場旗鼓相當的比賽,毀了一個小鎮。我們不僅發現宇宙中有其他生物,還發現我們的實力很微弱,武器很落後。
雷神:my people want nothing but peace with your planet.我們星球的人隻想和地球人和平相處。
獨眼俠:but you are not the only people out there,are you?and you're not the only threat.the world's filling up with people who can't be matched,that can't be controlled.但你們不是外星唯一的生物,對吧?你們也不是唯一的威脅。這個世界有太多無法敵過 控製的人了。
美國隊長:like you controlled the Cube?就像你控製著魔方?
雷神:your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it,and his allies.it is a signal to all the realms.that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.你們用了宇宙魔方才把洛基和他的同盟招惹過來。這是給所有領域一個信號,地球已經開始準備高級戰鬥了。
獨眼俠:a higher form?you forced our han......餘下全文>>
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