Walk, run, let's go.
美不勝收 橫屍遍野 一無所獲 目瞪口呆 破爛不堪 有聲有色 頭頭是道 蒙混過關 毫不怠慢 變化莫測 波譎雲詭 戛然而止 驚惶失措 無動於衷 光怪陸離 莫名其妙 不由分說 風情萬種 金碧輝煌 層巒疊嶂
1、 她頭上戴著一頂破爛不堪的帽子,帽子上還吊著一枝可憐巴巴的爛羽毛,襤褸的衣服外披著一塊用破布縫製的披肩。
2、 這個包差點兒從萬事通的手裏掉下來,好像這兩萬英鎊是金子做的那麼沉。
3、 太陽蒼白的光線灑在城市上空露出幾座清真寺尖塔上。
4、 菲克斯下意識地接過護照,快速地掃了一眼,他看到了外貌特征的說明。
5、 然而,盡管狂風怒吼,海浪滔天,輪船在強勁的馬力推動下,依然毫不怠慢地向曼德海峽
my dream is simple.i want to be a teacher in future.
To be a teacher,i will study hard now and try to help others with their subjects.I will learn to be patient and kind.Because i think that it's much more important to teach people how to learn and how to be a good people.so i'd like to learn to be a good person at first.
Being a teacher i can help others to make their dream come true.I will guide them to the right way and help them.
【初二英語詞組】1把..帶來 2拿走 3要求 請...做... 4不得不 5為什麼不... 6學校掃除 7去上大學 8環遊世界
1. bring……to……
2. take away
3. ask for
4. have to
5. why not do sth
6. school cleaning
7. go to college
8. travel around the world
9. make a lot of money
10. seems like
11. make living by
12. all the time
13. play sports
14. get hurt
15. have a hard time doing sth
16. in fact
17. remember to do sth
18. laugh at
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