我想要有關幼兒的評語?要全英文的。 20分
1st, you are sensible, the natural young boy. You like helping otherchild, has the sympathy, you love cleanly, speaks the health, workshas orderliness, can peacefully sleep, this semester drawing has madethe considerable progress, attends class also can resoundingly answerthe question, but insufficiently is positive. Hoped you later willmake persistent efforts, on a yet higher goal
2. You are the lively lovable young girl, can respect teacher, thefriendly affection companion, positively participates in thekindergarten each activity. Helps teacher to work, is teacher's goodhelper. Your small hand is very competent
3 You are shy, are lovable, the independent strong little girl. You canpositively participate in the sports, has the certain interest to thefine arts activity, cleanly likes, speaking the health, attends classwhen can earnestly listen, sometimes can raise hand the speech, butinsufficiently is positive, enthusiastically
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