Background Information: Earth Day
April 22 is Earth Day, our country this year to determine the theme of "treat the earth, protect the environment."
Earth Day originated in the U.S.. In 1969, Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed the park in the U.S. schools held workshops on environmental issues, and the following year on April 22 as "Earth Day." Then 25-year-old Harvard Law School student Dennis will soon be the proposal throughout the United States into a large-scale community-based activities, specific ideas, and get enthusiastic support of many young students. April 22, 1970, the United States for the first time held a massive "Earth Day", around 2,000 people participated, the United States since World War II, was hailed as the largest social activities.
April 22, 1990, more than 140 countries around the world, 200 million people around the same time held a variety of promotional activities, the theme is how to improve the overall global environment. The event made people more clearly recognize, as the global industry continues to develop, ozone layer destruction, and the resulting global climate change, is becoming a direct threat to the global problem of human existence. The activities of the United Nations approval, then, every year on April 22 was identified as the "World Earth Day."
Currently, the more prominent environmental issues, soil erosion, desertification, pollution of freshwater resources. According to UN figures released by the 20th century, the world's forest area 90 at an average annual rate of 2.4% reduction in the past 10 years, the world's total forest area of the disappearance of 94 million hectares. At present nearly half the land surface and more than one billion people affected by desertification. Pollution in the atmosphere, from 1965 to 1998, global carbon dioxide emissions doubled. The world is facing a water crisis in many countries: 12 million people short of water, 3.0 billion people lack water sanitation
Each year from 3,000,000 to 400 million deaths and water-related diseases. By 2025, the water crisis will be spread to 48 countries, 35 million are trapped by the water.
Earth Day activities held to raise human caring for the earth, protect the home in promoting the coordinated development of resource development and environmental protection. My 90 years from the 20th century, the annual April 22 Earth Day celebrations are held. (END) 中文對照翻譯 背景資料:世界地球日
中國主題是——珍惜自然資源 嗬護美麗國土
2018地球日主題是“End Plastic Pollution”,怎麼翻譯,終止塑料汙染嗎?
“Plastic Pollution”的意思是“塑料汙染”。聯合國環境署正式公布2018世界環境日主題為“塑戰速決”(Beat Plastic Pollution)。為了我們的地球家園,是時候重新思考塑料的未來,全世界人們攜起手來,共同戰勝塑料汙染。
4月22日是第49個世界地球日。日前,國土資源部辦公廳印發《關於組織開展第49個世界地球日主題宣傳活動周的通知》(簡稱《通知》),明確今年地球日活動周主題為“珍惜自然資源 嗬護美麗國土——講好我們的地球故事”,活動周從4月22日開始至4月28日結束。《通知》要求,圍繞今年的活動主題,引導社會大眾樹立“綠水青山就是金山銀山”和“人與自然和諧共生”的理念,以豐富多彩的形式開展科普宣傳,各地各單位可根據實際情況豐富或細化主題內容。
2018年04月22日 星期日 (戊戌年(狗年)三月初七)
2018年地球日主題是“End Plastic Pollution”,翻譯過來的話就是“終結塑料汙染”的意思
世界地球日( The World Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一項世界性的環境保護活動。2009年第63屆聯合國大會決議將每年的4月22日定為“世界地球日”。
2018年世界地球日中國主題是:珍惜自然資源 嗬護美麗國土——講好我們的地球故事。