You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.____
friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends? 2._____
When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____
greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____
all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____
to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____
another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____
you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____
that are held at your new school.In those activities, 9._____
you can find out that is useful and best for you. 10._____
答案:You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.__for去掉__
friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends? 2._____ really
When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ to smile
greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ others
all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ takes
to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ 正確
another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ speak
you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ activities
that are held at your new school.In those activities, 9._____ these
you can find out that is useful and best for you. 10._____that-what
You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.____ friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends?2._____ When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ that are held at your new school.In those activities,9._____ you can find out that is useful and best for you.10._____答案:You have to go to a new school and leave for your 1.__for去掉__ friends.You're real shy.How do you make new friends?2._____ really When you are in a new place,it helps smiles and 3._____ to smile greet other with a friendly "hello".That is often 4._____ others all it took to get someone to notice you and talk 5._____ takes to you.In fact,it can also be as difficult for 6._____ 正確 another person to speaking to you as it is for 7._____ speak you to speak to him.Try taking part in the activity 8._____ activities that are held at your new school.In those activities,9._____ these you can find out that is useful and best for you.10._____that-what
1.The problem will be referred to at the meeting .2.The little girl will be taken care of by the old man .3.Pronunciation will be paid attention to in the Speech Contest .4.The patient will be operated on tomorrow . 5.His action was highly thought of / spoken of by the teacher .
展開全部 1.形成——發生,2.2個句子要保持對稱,前半句用了“能不能”那後半句也要用,在“這是”前加“能不能”3.加強和放鬆匹配,“降低”——“放鬆”4.既然是責任製,那“多種經營”就一種製度,“多種經營”——“多種經營製度(製或者責任製)”5.布置是在工作開始前,與後麵矛盾了,“布置”——“彙報”或者把“情況”——“任務”6和第二個犯同樣的毛病7.切實/深刻貫徹,正確理解8。
12. 經過全長員工的努力,今年的生產創最好水平。
1、星期天,爸爸代表我去參觀漢兵馬俑.講解員阿姨說,漢兵馬俑是一個我國考古界的重大發明,我們對於研究漢代的軍事製度和將士服飾具有重要意思……她講得很趣味,我們聽得很詳細. 2、一萬米長跑比賽非常激動,運動健兒二十幾名在跑道上你追我趕.他們都跑得很快,所以跑得相當輕鬆.觀眾不停在喊“加油”,都願望本班的運動員取得好成績. 3、李老師非常平易近人,他從來不向我們發皮氣.上課時,他細心地培養我們讀書、寫作的方法,下課後,長長和我們一起談笑、一起活動.他隻要批評我們就不過是態度嚴格一點兒,對我們過後還是那麼和藹可親. 4、在多門功課中,語文對我最感興趣,其它攻課如數學,自然,科技等,就差勁了.老師和我們進行個別談話:“鼓舞我要為四化認真學好各門功課.”我明確了學習態度,經過努力,這些攻課的成績都增加了. 5、列寧是善於使用圖書館讀書的模範,他一身中有許多時間是在圖書館渡過的.在彼得堡的時候,列寧整天呆在圖書館,讀了很多書.後來,列寧不辛被捕,但他果然經常寫信要家裏人設法為他借書.當他聽說監獄裏的圖書館可借書,真是興奮不己.為了防止不錯過借書的機會,他總是第一個到圖書館門口等開門.在監獄裏,列寧被關了十四個月,整整讀了十四個月左右的書. 6、丁大爺今年70多歲了,他身穿一件藍綿襖,頭戴一頂舊綿帽,仍然還是保持著艱苦樸素.在解放戰爭時期,他經常推著小車為前方送玉米、小米、麵粉和糧食,不知走了多少地方?他現在身體硬朗結實,曾四次被評為“支前模範”的光榮稱號.他常常教育我們:“我經曆過兩個新舊社會,深知幸福生活來之不易.你們可要珍惜它呀!” 7、我們要給馬路鋪上白油,讓水車噴撒街道.我們要把城市和工業區成為花園,讓每一個工廠都有通風除塵設背.現在全人類正在努力控製灰塵的遊行,使它們不在變成禍害.而為人類造福. 8、今天爸爸給我賣了一套十萬個為什麼,我非常高興極了.下午放學我一回到家裏就放下書包,迫不急待地拿的書,座在桌子上讀了起來.大約過了不到兩個小時以後,爸爸叫我去吃飯了. 9、今年夏天天空嚴熱,我常常天天去遊泳.遊泳池裏的人很多,有工人、幹部、青年、學生……我在水裏向小魚兒一樣遊來遊去,舒服極了. 10、在做家庭作業時,我被一道數學題攔住了.我反複鬥爭,總是理不出頭緒.我想:“我要向張海迪姐姐那樣,決不像困難底頭!”我震作起精神來,畫了一張草稿和草圖,這道題的算示終於列出來? 11、小紅同學:我到上海讀了已經兩年書了,在過幾天就要進行畢業會考和考試.考試以後,我準備乘火車到你家來,跟你一起過暑假.請你給我按排住處.媽媽以願意我去. 身體健康 六月二十二日 小蘭 12、3月5日下午,我們五(1)班全體師生在老師的戴領下,到板橋新村公益活動.張老師分配了任務後,大家便欣喜若狂地幹起來.同學們有的擦居委會門前的宣傳櫥窗,有的撥著花圃內的花草,還有的清除樓道口牆壁上的廣告紙.
1 錯別字 譜,改為:編2 標點 第一個句號改為逗號3 病句 (1)有趣的許多故事 改為:許多有趣的故事(2)法國十九世紀 改為:十九世紀法國(3)“外形、捕食、活動”三者並列也不恰當,“捕食”“活動”概念有包含被包含關係,捕食就 是一種活動
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