Students to protect their teeth, it is necessary to do the following:
1. To develop good brushing habits. Gargle with warm water after a meal, brush your teeth once each morning and evening. The frequency of brushing is not too much more it will damage teeth, brush your teeth should not be too long a time. Attention should be paid to brushing their teeth the right way: down the teeth, brush vertical,brush outside good brush inside. Lateral force can not brush back and forth, otherwise they will damage gums.
2. Usually pay attention to dental health, and protect teeth. Usual to eat less candy. In particular, it is not candy bedtime to prevent dental caries. In addition, attention should be paid to health habits usually do not bite finger, do not bite a pencil top foreign body, the teeth do not lick the tongue.
關於保護牙齒的 英語短文
同學們要保護好自己的牙齒,要做到以下幾點: Students to protect their teeth, it is necessary to do the following:1.要養成良好的刷牙習慣。
1. To develop good brushing habits. Gargle with warm water after a meal, brush your teeth once each morning and evening. The frequency of brushing is not too much more it will damage teeth, brush your teeth should not be too long a time. Attention should be paid to brushing their teeth the right way: down the teeth, brush vertical,brush outside good brush inside. Lateral force can not brush back and forth, otherwise they will damage gums.2.平時要注意牙齒衛生,保護好牙齒。
2. Usually pay attention to dental health, and protect teeth. Usual to eat less candy. In particular, it is not candy bedtime to prevent dental caries. In addition, attention should be paid to health habits usually do not bite finger, do not bite a pencil top foreign body, the teeth do not lick the tongue.
1. 今天是愛牙日,為了讓牙齒得到充分休息,所以全國牙防組織決定,今天給牙齒放假一天,所有人不準吃東西,如果餓得慌就吃幾口西北風充饑,記得愛牙哦!2. 蚜蟲實在太猖狂,橫鑽豎蝕惹人煩,口中無味酸又脹,大家共同來反抗!牙膏牙刷打個轉,酸脹口臭隨之散,口味好來身體棒。
3. 愛牙日,七項注意:不要以牙還牙;不要咬牙切齒:不要吃醋;不要吃糖衣炮彈;要多洗唰唰;要多讓牙齒賽太陽;要多親吻唇齒留香。
4. 愛牙就是愛自己,請你千萬別大意,糖果少含煙少吸,無蟲無斑牙白皙,牙膏常換要牢記,早晚刷牙莫忘記,定期洗牙有意義,滿口玉齒真美麗。
5. 不吃糖,少吃甜,擁有一口好牙,才能吃遍天下美食;勤刷牙,勤漱口,保持牙齒清潔,6. 當你隻剩下一個牙,吃飯還塞牙了,吃的啥?藕!可見,隻剩一個牙時,是多麼的痛苦呀!所以呢,多讓一些牙留在你嘴裏吧,寧願被肉塞,也絕不被藕套!全國愛牙日,行動起來!7. 為了老了能吃口肉,從小鍛煉好牙口。
8. 全國愛牙日到了,對著鏡子認真看一下你的牙齒,它是否依舊美麗?善待牙齒,認真嗬護,千萬不要過早變成無齒之徒,祝你牙好身體棒!9. 刷牙刷得勤,牙齒沒疾病;牙膏要常換,牙齒沒問題;笑容更燦爛,心裏比蜜甜。
10. 聖峰亮齒白,讓你笑容更燦爛,高露潔讓口腔更健康,冷酸靈讓我們吃嘛嘛香,愛牙日,關心牙齒更關心你!11. 半年洗牙一次記心底,維生素補充莫忘記;溫水刷牙效果好,甜食還是少吃為妙。
12. 全國愛牙日,護牙知識要謹記。
13. 早晚刷刷牙,飯後漱漱口,口腔清潔牙無鏽,身體健康笑容多。
14. 平日生活,牙口要好,避免牙痛,牙痛起來要人命。
15. 值此全國愛牙日,鄭重提醒您保護大氣環境,愛護您口中的柵欄,時刻注意保養維護,保持周邊衛生,保證環境清新幽雅,避免肉肉塞牙,豆豆硌牙,果果搗牙。
Taking Care of your TeethMy mother always tells me not to eat too much candy, but I just couldn't control myself. Once, I felt my teeth hurt and did not feel like eating. My mother took me to see the dentist and I was so afraid. The doctor used his machine to fix my teeth, I was terrified and cried. Since then, I realize the importance of taking care of my teeth. So I do not eat the candy too often. I will wash my teeth before I sleep, what's more, the ice food and the sour food will be rejected by me. My friends envy me for having the white teeth, for I look so healthy and beautiful.
Tooth is important tissue for hunman body:We cannot live without tooth,like eating,speaking.It is crucial to guard our tooth.The question come to us :how to do that ?As far as im concerned,I think the best way to protect it is to prevent it from getting sick.In other words,we should get accustomed to brush our tooth twice each day,which can ba a basic method.In addition,visiting the dentist seem to be a bit fuss while the tooth is good,however,who knows its real condition?So we really are supposed to spare some time going to hospital or clinic and get a comprehensive medical research for our valuable tooth.I think in this way,really,we can get the sati...however:how to do that ,which can ba a basic method,really.I think in this way.It is crucial to guard our tooth,I think the best way to protect it is to prevent it from getting sick,we can get the satisfied results,who knows its real condition.The question come to us ?As far as im concerned:We cannot live without tooth,visiting the dentist seem to be a bit fuss while the tooth is good?So we really are supposed to spare some time going to hospital or clinic and get a comprehensive medical research for our valuable tooth,we should get accustomed to brush our tooth twice each day.In addition,speaking,like eatingTooth is important tissue for hunman body.In other words
同學們要保護好自己的牙齒,要做到以下幾點:Students to protect their teeth, it is necessary to do the following:1.要養成良好的刷牙習慣.飯後用溫開水漱口,早晚各刷牙一次.刷牙的次數不能太多,多了反而會損傷牙齒,刷牙的時間也不宜過長.刷牙要注意正確的方法:順著牙,豎著刷,刷完裏麵再刷外麵.不可橫向來回用力刷,否則會損傷牙齦. 1. To develop good brushing habits. Gargle with warm water after a meal, brush your teeth once each morning and evening. The frequency of brushing is not too much more it will damage teeth, brush your teeth should not be too long a time. Attention should be paid to brushing their teeth the right way: down the teeth, brush vertical,brush outside good brush inside. Lateral force can not brush back and forth, otherwise they will damage gums.2.平時要注意牙齒衛生,保護好牙齒.平時要少吃糖果.尤其是臨睡前不要吃糖,預防齲齒.此外,要注意平時的衛生習慣,不咬手指頭,不咬鉛筆頭等異物,不用舌頭舐牙齒. 2. Usually pay attention to dental health, and protect teeth. Usual to eat less candy. In particular, it is not candy bedtime to prevent dental caries. In addition, attention should be paid to health habits usually do not bite finger, do not bite a pencil top foreign body, the teeth do not lick the tongue.
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