1、價格術語trade term (price term) :
單價 price
總值 total value
卸貨費landing charges
金額 amount
關稅customs duty
淨價 net price
印花稅stamp duty
含傭價price including commission
回傭return commission
裝運港portof shipment
卸貨港port of discharge
批發價 wholesale price
目的港portof destination
零售價 retail price
現貨價格spot price
期貨價格forward price
現行價格(時價)current price prevailingprice
國際市場價格 world (International)Marketprice
成本加運費價(離岸加運費價) C&F-cost and freight
到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價)CIF-cost,insurance and freight
索賠 claim
罰金條款 penalty
不可抗力 force Majeure
產地證明書certificate of origin
品質檢驗證書 inspection certificate of quanlity
重量檢驗證書 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)
品質、重量檢驗證書 inspection certificate
1、Our company is thinking of expanding its business relationship with China.
2、As is known, we set great store by the trade relationship with the third world countries.
3、We look forward to reactivating our business relationship.
4、We shall welcome a chance to renew our friendly relationship.
5、We'll try our best to widen our business relationship with you.
6、We're writing you in order to establish business relationship.
7、The arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.
8、We're willing to restore our business relationship.
9、It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.
展開全部 外貿常用詞彙英語單詞①出口信貸 export credit 出口津貼 export subsidy ②商品傾銷 dumping 外彙傾銷 exchange dumping ③優惠關稅 special preferences 保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse ④貿易順差 favorable balance of trade 貿易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade ⑤進口配額製 import quotas 自由貿易區 free trade zone ⑥對外貿易值 value of foreign trade 國際貿易值 value of international trade ⑦運費freight 單價 price 碼頭費wharfage 總值 total value 句子①強勢營銷 We are leading manufacturers and exporters of frozen meat in China. ②抑他揚己 Obviously, we have an advantage over other export corporation in price and regular suppoliers of high quality. ③主動出擊 We would like to invite you to attend our Guangzhou Commodities fair to be held from XXXXX ④彰顯特色 They are the newest petterns you can get in town ⑤釣魚式提問 Have you ever tried getting a bilingual service from computerized speaker ⑥誘之以利 If you place an order during our promotion campaign,we will give you a 10% discount ⑦買賣不成仁義在 I'd place to show them to you ,whether you are going to buy or not. 國際貨幣基金 international monetary fund 黃金外彙儲備 gold and foreign exchange reserve 彙率波動的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuation拓展資料: 對外貿易亦稱“國外貿易” 或“進出口貿易”,簡稱“外貿”,是指一個國家(地區)與另一個國家(地區)之間的商品、勞務和技術的交換活動。
They mainly trade with Japanese firms. 他們主要和日本商行進行貿易。
For the past five years, we have done a lot of trade with your company.在過去的五年中,我們與貴國進行了許多貿易。
Our trade is conducted on the basis of equality.我們是在平等的基礎上進行貿易。
There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you.和你們的羊毛貿易已有所減少。
Our foreign trade is continuously expanding.我們的對外貿易不斷發展。
Trade in leather has gone up (down) 3%.皮革貿易上升(下降)了百分之三。
Trade in general is improving.貿易情況正在好轉。
Our company mainly trades in arts and crafts.我們公司主要經營手工藝品。
They are well-known in trade circles.他們在貿易界很有名望。
We trade with people in all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我們在平等互利的基礎上和各國人民進行貿易。
To respect the local custom of the buying country is one important aspect of China's foreign policy.尊重買方國家的風俗習慣是我國貿易政策的一個重要方麵。
Our purpose is to explore the possibilities of developing trade with you.我們的目的是和你們探討一下發展貿易的可能性。
Words and Phrasesforeign trade 對外貿易overseas trade 海外貿易international trade 國際貿易to trade with 和……進行貿易to do business in a moderate way 做生意穩重to do business in a sincere way 做生意誠懇to make a deal 做一筆交易deal 交易,經營,處理,與……交往to deal in 經營,做生意to explore the possibilities of 探討……的可能性trade circles 貿易界to handle 經營某商品to trade in 經營某商品business scope/frame 經營範圍trading firm/house 貿易行,商行
外貿合同常用語句與詞組有哪些?如果你想學習外貿英語,外貿行業英語,外貿專業術語,外貿貿易術語等等, 我推薦:深圳外貿論壇szfob--外貿英語版塊深圳外貿論壇的外貿英語版塊包括了,外貿術語,商務函電,外貿口語,行業英語,物流、貨代英語, 外貿英語角;外貿術語,是國際貿易的專業術語,例如FOB和CIF的使用,具體的在貿易中的使用,使用貿易術語的時候應該注意的事項等等; 商務函電,是國際貿易的專業書信表達,教你怎麼樣用英語專業地談生意; 外貿口語,是外貿在實際交際中的日常用語和商務用語,可以提高你的表達能力和口語能力; 行業英語,是外貿出口,行業內的專業的外貿詞彙,例如:家電的外貿詞彙;電子方麵的外貿詞彙;服裝方麵的專業詞彙;太陽能方麵的專業詞彙;等等; 物流英語,主要涉及在國際貿易中常用的物流詞彙;更多請進入szfob,怎麼樣進入深圳外貿論壇szfob呢?其實隻需要記得szfob 就好了,也就可以很容易找到深圳外貿論壇szfob; sz是深圳的首字母的縮寫,fob是國際貿易術語的一種;所以隻需要記住szfob,就可以學習和做好外貿;搜索一下:szfob 或者是 外貿szfob 或者是 szfob論壇 就可以進入了請認準szfob ,畢竟隻有深圳外貿論壇szfob才是全國最專業的外貿論壇
展開全部 附件是……,請參閱。
Please kindly find the attached …… Attached please kindly find the …… Enclosed is the ……, please kindly find it. Attached you will find…… 我已經收到您的郵件。
I have received your email (yesterday/last week/this morning……). Your email has been received. 非常感謝您的回信。
Thanks very much for your early reply. Thank you for your email. 我明白您的意思。
I know what you mean. I understand what you mean. Got it. (*非常口語化,適合於關係很熟悉的同事朋友之間。
) 我不太明白您的意思。
I do not quite understand what you meant. I have some problem understanding what you meant. 能具體解釋一下麼?您能在說的清楚一點麼? Could you please put it in a clearer way? Could you please explain it in detail? Could you please further explain it? What do you mean exactly by saying……? 如有問題,請隨時和我聯係。
Contact me if you have any problem. If there is any uncertainty, feel free to contact me. Call me if you have any problem. 如有建議,請指出。
Please let me know if anything needs to be improved. Your advice/suggestio...
展開全部 外貿英語詞彙 trade term / price term 價格術語 world / international market price 國際市場價格 FOB (free on board) 離岸價 C&F (cost and freight) 成本加運費價 CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸價 freight 運費 wharfage 碼頭費 landing charges 卸貨費 customs duty 關稅 port dues 港口稅 import surcharge 進口附加稅 import variable duties 進口差價稅 commission 傭金 return commission 回傭,回扣 price including commission 含傭價 net price 淨價 wholesale price 批發價 discount / allowance 折扣 retail price 零售價 spot price 現貨價格 current price 現行價格 / 時價 indicative price 參考價格 customs valuation 海關估價 price list 價目表 total value 總值 貿易保險術語 All Risks 一切險 F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安險 W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水漬險 War Risk 戰爭險 F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋險 Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混雜、玷汙險 Risk of Leakage 滲漏險 Risk of Odor 串味險 Risk of Rust 鏽蝕險 Shortage Risk 短缺險 T.P.N.D. ( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷竊提貨不著險 Strikes Risk 罷工險 貿易機構詞彙 WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界貿易組織 IMF (International Monetary Fund) 國際貨幣基金組織 CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 貨幣貿易理事會 EFTA (European Free Trade Association) 歐洲自由貿易聯盟 AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 東盟自由貿易區 JCCT (China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade) 中美商貿聯委會 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 北美自由貿易區 UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 聯合國貿易與發展會議 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 關貿總協定貿易方式詞彙 stocks 存貨,庫存量 cash sale 現貨 purchase 購買,進貨 bulk sale 整批銷售,躉售 distribution channels 銷售渠道 wholesale 批發 retail trade 零售業 hire-purchase 分期付款購買 fluctuate in line with market conditions 隨行就市 unfair competition 不合理競爭 dumping 商品傾銷 dumping profit margin 傾銷差價,傾銷幅度 antidumping 反傾銷 customs bond 海關擔保 chain debts 三角債 freight forwarder 貨運代理 trade consultation 貿易磋商 mediation of dispute 商業糾紛調解 partial shipment 分批裝運 restraint of trade 貿易管製 RTA (Regional Trade Arrangements) 區域貿易安排 favorable balance of trade 貿易順差 unfavorable balance of trade 貿易逆差 special preferences 優惠關稅 bonded warehouse 保稅倉庫 transit trade 轉口貿易 tariff barrier 關稅壁壘 tax rebate 出口退稅 TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) 技術性貿易壁壘 貿易夥伴術語 trade partner 貿易夥伴 manufacturer 製造商,製造廠 middleman 中間商,經紀人 dealer 經銷商 wholesaler 批發商 retailer, tradesman 零售商 merchant 商人,批發商,零售商 concessionaire, licensed dealer 受讓人,特許權獲得者 consumer 消費者,用戶 client, customer 顧客,客戶 buyer 買主,買方 carrier 承運人 consignee 收貨人
展開全部外貿英語常用詞:出口信貸 export credit 出口津貼 export subsidy 商品傾銷 dumping 外彙傾銷 exchange dumping 優惠關稅 special preferences 保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse 貿易順差 favorable balance of trade 貿易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 進口配額製 import quotas 自由貿易區 free trade zone 對外貿易值 value of foreign trade 國際貿易值 value of international trade 普遍優惠製 generalized system of preferences-GSP最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT -------------------價格條件----------------------價格術語trade term (price term) 運費freight 單價 price 碼頭費wharfage 總值 total value 卸貨費landing charges 金額 amount 關稅customs duty 淨價 net price 印花稅stamp duty 含傭價price including commission 港口稅portdues 回傭return commission 裝運港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸貨港port of discharge 批發價 wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售價 retail price 進口許口證inportlicence 現貨價格spot price 出口許口證exportlicence 期貨價格forward price 現行價格(時價)current price prevailingprice 國際市場價格 world (International)Marketprice 離岸價(船上交貨價)FOB-free on board 成本加運費價(離岸加運費價) C&F-cost and freight 到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價)CIF-cost,insurance and freight --------------------交貨條件----------------------交貨delivery 輪船steamship(縮寫S.S) 裝運、裝船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交貨時間 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 裝運期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托運人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor 收貨人consignee班輪regular shipping liner 駁船lighter 艙位shipping space 油輪tanker 報關clearance of goods 陸運收據cargo receipt提貨to take delivery of goods空運提單airway bill 正本提單original B/L 選擇港(任意港)optional port 選港費optional charges 選港費由買方負擔 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers' account 一月份裝船 shipment during January 或 January shipment一月底裝船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st. 一/二月份裝船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment 在......(時間)分兩批裝船 shipment during....in two lots 在......(時間)平均分兩批裝船 shipment during....in two equal lots 分三個月裝運 in three monthly shipments 分三個月,每月平均裝運 in three equal monthly shipments 立即裝運 immediate shipments 即期裝運 prompt shipments 收到信用證後30天內裝運 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C 允許分批裝船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable ---------------交易磋商、合同簽訂-----------------訂單 indent 訂貨;訂購 book; booking 電複 cable reply 實盤 firm offer 遞盤 bid; bidding 遞實盤 bid firm 還盤 counter offer 發盤(發價) offer發實盤 offer firm 詢盤(詢價) inquiry;enquiry---------------交易磋商、合同簽訂-----------------指示性價格 price indication速複 reply immediately參考價 reference price習慣做法 usual practice 交易磋商 business negotiation 不受約束 without engagement 業務洽談 business discussion限**複 subject to reply ** 限* *複到 subject to reply reaching here ** 有效期限 time of validity 有效至**: valid till ** 購貨合同 purchase contract 銷售合同 sales contract 購貨確認書 purchase confirmation銷售確認書 sales confirmation 一般交易條件 general terms and conditions以未售出為準 subject to prior sale 需經賣方確認 subject to seller's confirmation 需經我方最後確認 subject to our final confirmation------------------貿易方式------------------------INT (拍賣auction) 寄售consignment 招標invitation of tender投標submission of tender 一般代理人agent 總代理人general agent 代理協議agency agreement累計傭金accumulative commission 補償貿易compensation trade (或抵償貿易)compensating/compensatory trade (又叫:往返貿易) counter trade來料加工processing on giving materials 來料裝配assembling on provided parts獨家經營/專營權exclusive right獨家經營/包銷/代理協議exclusivity agreement 獨家代理 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent -------------------品質條件-----------------------品質 quality 原樣 original sample 規格 specifications 複樣 duplicate sample說明 description 對等樣品 countersample 標準 standard type 參考樣品 reference sample商品目錄 catalogue 封樣 sealed sample 宣傳小冊 pamphlet 公差 tolerance 貨號 article No. 花色(搭配) assortment 樣品 sample 5% 增減 5% plus or minus代表性樣品 representative sample大路貨(良好平均品質)fair average quality --------------------商檢仲裁-----------------------索賠 claim 爭議disputes 罰金條款 penalty 仲裁arbitration 不可抗力 force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal 產地證明書certificate of origin 品質檢驗證書 inspection ce...
展開全部 第一期:General Terms 1. establishing business relation-建立業務關係 2. inquiry-詢盤 3. offer-報盤 4. counter offer-還盤 5. quantity-數量 6. packing-包裝 7. time of shipment-裝運期 8. price-價格 9. discount-折扣 10. terms of payment-支付條款 11. insurance-保險 12. commodity inspection-商品檢驗 13. acceptance-接受 14. signing a contract-簽訂合同 15. claim-索賠 16. agency-代理 17. commission-傭金 18. exclusive sales-包銷 19. joint venture-合資企業 20. compensation trade-補償貿易 21. processing and assembling trade-加工裝配貿易 22. the terms of international trade-國際貿易術語 第二期:Establishing business relation 建立業務關係 1. recommendation 推薦、介紹 2. inform 通知 3. enter into business relations 建立業務關係 4. catalogue 目錄 5. for your reference 供您參考 6. specific inquiry 具體詢價 7. promptly 立即 8. representative 代表 9. chamber of commerce 商會 10. specialize in 專營 11. on the bases of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基礎上 12. pamphlet 小冊子 13. a range of 一套 14. make offers 報價 15. import and export corporation 進出口公司 16. silk 絲綢 17. cotton piece goods 棉布 18. blouse 女襯衫 19. be of the latest style 最新式樣 20. financial position 財務狀況 21. trade reputation 貿易聲譽 22. on display 展出 23. woolen knitwear 毛織品 24. garment 服裝 25. meet with great favor 受歡迎 26. credit standing 信用地位 27. state-operated 國營的 28. currency, Chinese currency, British currency 貨幣,中國貨幣,英國貨幣 29. investment 投資 30. a long-term investment 長期投資 31. a profitable investment 有利可得的投資 32. a safe and sure investment 安全可靠的投資 33. a heavy investment 巨額投資 34. investment intent 投資意向 35. investment partner 投資夥伴 36. direct investment 直接投資 37. investment environment 投資環境 38. investor 投資者 39. enterprise 企業 40. joint venture enterprise 合資企業 41. cooperative enterprise 合作企業 42. exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 外商獨資企業 43. state-owned enterprise 國營企業 44. collectively-owned enterprise 集體企業 45. individually owned enterprise 個體企業 第三期: inquiry 詢盤 1. general inquiry 一般詢盤 2. specific inquiry 具體詢盤 3. dealer 商人 4. quotation 報價 5. sales department 銷售部 6. purchase 購買 7. enquiry 詢價 8. quote 開價 9. sample 樣品 10. a long-term contractt 長期合同 11. discount 折扣 12. grant 批準 13. to make an inquiry for sth 對某物詢價 14. to keep the inquiry on file 把詢價記錄在卷 15. to inquiry for sth 對某物詢價 16. to inquiry about sth 詢問某事 17. process 加工 18. guarantee, guarantor 保證, 保證人 19. delivery 交貨 20. port of delivery 交貨港 21. time of delivery 交貨期 22. prompt delivery 即期交貨 23. to effect delivery 辦理交貨 24. to make delivery 辦理交貨 25. to postpone delivery 推遲交貨 26. to deliver sth to sb 把某物交付給某人 27. shipment 裝船 28. to make shipment 裝船 29. to receive shipment 接貨 30. partial shipment 分批裝船 31. prompt shipment 即期裝運 32. time of shipment 裝運期 33. offer 報盤報價 34. a firm offer 實盤 35. a counter offer 還盤 36. to accept an offer 接受報盤 37. to extend an offer 延長報盤 38. to renew an offer 更新報盤 39. to withdraw an offer 撤消報盤 40. the validity of an offer 報盤有效期 41. to make an offer 報價 42. to offer firm 報實盤 43. to offer subject to final confirmation 報盤以最後確認為準 44. specialize in 專門經營 第四期:Counter offer 還盤 1. counter offer 還盤 2. enjoy great popularity 享有盛譽 3. ready seller; quick seller; quick-selling product 暢銷品 4. conclude business with sb. 與某人達成交易 5. close business, close a deal , close a transaction, close a bargain 達成交易 6. trade terms 貿易條件 7. trade agreement 貿易協定 8. trade fair 交易會 9. trade mark 商標 10. foreign trade對外貿易 11 trade in sth 經營某物 12. trade with sb.與某人交易 13. favourable price 優惠價格 14. favourable terms 優惠條件 15. quotation 行情 16. discount quotation 貼現行情 17. exchange rate quotation外彙行情 18. commission 傭金 19. a commission of....%; ....% commission.百分之幾傭金 20. your ..% commission你的百分之幾傭金 21. The above price includes your commission of 2%.上述價格包括你方2%傭金. 22. general practice 慣例 23. accept an order 接受訂單 24. cancel an order 撤消訂單 25. confirm an order 確認訂單 26. execute an order 履行訂單 27. a back order 尚未執行的訂單 28. a fresh order 新訂單 29. a repeat order 續訂訂單 第五期:Quantity 數量 1. weight 重量 2. metric ton 公噸 3. long ton 長噸 4. short ton 短噸 5. kilogram, kilo, kg 公斤 6. pound, lb 磅 7. ounce, oz 盎司 8. number 個數 9. piece 件 10. pair 雙 11 dozen 打 12. ream 令 13. set 套 14. length 長度 15. area 麵積 ...
轉載請注明出處句子大全網 » 外貿常用英語單詞和語句有哪些?