1、繁榮昌盛thriving and prosperous
2、愛不釋手fondle admiringly
3、愛財如命skin a flea for its hide
4、愛屋及烏love me,love my dog.He that loves the tree loves the branch
5、恨屋及烏:He who hates Peter har his dog.
6、安居樂業live and work in peace and contentment
7、白手起家build up from nothing/build up from scratch/start from scratch
8、百裏挑一one in a hundred/the cream of the crop
9、百折不撓be indomitable
10、半途而廢give up halfway leave sth.Unfinished
13、卑躬屈膝bow and scrape cringe
14、悲歡離合vicissitudes of life
15、背道而馳run counter to run in the opposite direction
16、本末倒置put the cart before the horse
17、笨鳥先飛the slow need to start early
18、必由之路the only way
19、閉關自守close the country to international intercourse
20、變本加厲be further intensified
21、變化無常chop and change fantasticality
22、別開生麵having sth.New
23、別有用心have ulterior motives
24、彬彬有禮refined and courteous urbane
25、兵不厭詐in war nothing is too deceitful
26、博古通今erudite and informed
27、不恥下問feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates
28、不可救藥be past praying for beyond redemption
29、不勞而獲reap where one has not sown