Next time you are in a car travelling at 40mph think about jumping out – naked. That's what it's like when we crash. ——David Millar
With each crash we slowly lose the fearlessness of a child. Caution, which blossoms with maturity, has lengthened my career but may have cost me victories. ——Michael Barry
我感到非常驚訝,參加環法自行車比賽的人如此之多,而他們卻毫無防護。一旦他們發生摔車,很可能會骨折,他們的比賽就結束了。他們用幾年的時間苦練、控製飲食,一次摔車就能讓所有的努力化為烏有。我很驚訝這是那麼脆弱。——Joël Santoni(《La Course en tête》有關莫克斯紀錄片由他導演)
I was so amazed by the number of people falling in the biggest races and how naked they are. When they fell in the road bones were broken, and the race for them was finished. They would spend the year suffering, dieting and then all was lost. I was amazed by how fragile it was. ——Joël Santoni