如果年華真的似水、為何退不去。If you really like, why not go back.如果人生真的如夢、為何醒不來。If you really like life, why not to wake up.
陷入愛河的人的心髒永遠是最痛的。The heart of a man in love is always the most painful.踏入感情的人的心靈永遠是有份愛。The hearts of the people into the feelings of love is always a love.
心,從陌生到熟悉,夢,還重複的做著。Heart, from the unfamiliar to the familiar, the dream, but also repeat the doing.愛,曾留下的痕跡,你,已刻在了心裏。Love, have left traces of you, has carved in the heart.
老婆,願為你穿上西服當你的新郎。Wife, would like to put on a suit for you when you groom.老公,願為你穿上婚紗當你的新娘。Husband, would like to put on a wedding dress for you when your bride.
用最美的辭藻修飾最愛的人。With the most beautiful words modified favorite people.用最真的行動感動最愛的人。With the most real action moved the most loved one.
不喊痛,不一定沒感覺。不要求,不一定沒期待。Don't shout pain, not necessarily no feeling. Does not require, do not have to look forward to.不落淚,不一定沒傷痕。不說話,不一定沒心聲。Do not shed tears, not necessarily no scars. Don't talk, don't have no voice.
那些極少出現的情緒占據了過去整整一個回憶。Those little emotions that occupy a whole memory of the past.這些支離破碎的愛情侵蝕了未來整整一個世紀。These fragmented love has eroded the future for a whole century.
年少時,我們因誰因愛或是隻因寂寞而同場起舞。When we were young, we were dancing in the same field because of love or loneliness.滄桑後,我們何因何故寂寞如初卻寧願形同陌路。The vicissitudes of life, we why why lonely again but rather as a stranger.
我是個瘋子瘋子瘋子隻愛你的瘋子。I'm crazy crazy crazy crazy love you.你是個傻子傻子傻子傻得確好懂事。You are a fool fool fool silly is really good.
拋掉、拋掉、拋掉所有包袱。Away, away, throw away all the baggage.丟掉、丟掉、丟掉所有煩惱。Lose, lose, lose all the trouble.
我追尾了太久太久的愛情,終究容落了她人。My rear end for a long time love, let her fall eventually.我憧憬了太久太久的幸福,終究沒能入我身。I have been looking forward to the happiness that is too long, after all, can not be in my body.
未來的記憶,填上的全都是你。Memories of the future, all you have to fill in.給你一個期許,就是如此確定。Give you a wish, is so sure.
牽絆我的人,我讓他永遠站不起來。Hold me, I let him never stand up.扶起我的人,我讓他永遠不會摔倒。Help my people, I let him will never fall.
1我想所謂的幸福、已經失了。I think the so-called happiness, has lost.我想所謂的甜蜜、已經落了。I think the so-called sweet, has fallen.
不罵不吵不張揚,安安分分一起過。Don't scold not noisy not make public, an an an an an an an an cent to live together.不罵不吵不張揚,安安分分一起過。Don't scold not noisy not make public, an an an an an an an an cent to live together.
我不在乎浮光掠影的塵世,我隻在乎你。I don't care about skimming over the surface of the earth, I only care about you.我不留戀似雪若花的浮生,我隻留戀你。I don't want to spend life like snow, I just miss you.
我多麼希望有那麼一個人會狠狠的疼我。How I wish there was such a person will be very painful to me.我多麼希望有那麼一個人拚了命的愛我。How I wish there was a man who loved me.
原諒我不媚不萌不溫柔不是白富美!Forgive me for not Mei not adorable not gentleness not Baifu beauty!原諒我不高不帥沒勢力不是富二代!Forgive me not high not handsome not power is not rich two generation!
自從我走了之後思戀一直圍繞著我,從未停止。Since I left the bum always around me, never stop.我想你走了之後寂寞一直圍繞著我,從未停歇。I want you to go after the lonely has been around me, never stop.
最後隻剩下星空,像不變回憶陪著我。In the end only the stars, like the same memories with me.至少回憶會永久,像不變星空陪著我。At least the memories will be forever, like the same star to accompany me.
夜雨風寒自知苦如此,何必徒傷感。So why bitter cold rain was just sad.秋葉水清莫問傷多深,不如不愛情。Don't ask how deep hurt autumn water, do not love.
其實我知道你每天都在。In fact, I know you are in every day.其實我知道你一直都在。In fact, I know you have been in.
我要穩穩的幸福,能抵擋末日的殘酷。I want happiness, can resist the cruel.我要穩穩的幸福,能抵擋失落的痛楚。I want happiness, can resist the lost pain.
他們說惡魔會愛上天使是因為碰撞摩擦成愛。They say the devil will fall in love with an angel because of the collision and friction into love.他們說天使會愛上惡魔是因為相惜相戀成愛。They said that the angel will love the devil because love love.
向往著陽光的溫暖,你會給我陽光的溫暖。Longing for the warmth of the sun, you will give me the warmth of the sun.羨慕著溫暖的陽光,你會給我溫暖的陽光。Envy the warm sunshine, you will give me the warmth of the sun.
黑紙白字。清清楚楚詮釋著咱們的不離不棄。Black and white. Clearly the interpretation we never abandon.白紙黑字。清清楚楚記錄著咱們的點點滴滴。Put it down in black and white。 Clearly record our bit by bit.
不相睡去,怕夢裏沒有你。Not afraid to sleep, dream without you.不想醒來,怕醒來沒有你。Do not want to wake up, afraid of waking up without you.
你想象的,並非是我所謂的。What you imagine is not what I mean.你所謂的,並非是我想象的。What you mean is not what I imagined.
其實,我知道你每天都在。In fact, I know you are in every day.其實,我知道你一直都在。In fact, I know you have been in.
每一個熟悉的地點,都有一段不堪的回憶。Every familiar place, have a section of unbearable memories.每一個回憶的背後,就有一段辛酸和心動。Every memory behind, there is a bitterness and heart.
多少個日升日落,詮釋這個黑天白夜。How many of the rising sun, the interpretation of the dark night.多少個日升日落,渲染這個灰白世界。How many of the rising sun, rendering the gray world.