I've been told what I must do and who I muset be.我就被告誡要做這做那。
I've been shurk, stretched, scratched and stufferd into a teapot.莫名其妙地被縮小放大,刮傷手臂,還被塞進茶壺。
I've been accused of being Alice and of not being Alice, but this is my dream.我已經受夠了你們對我身份的指責,這是我的夢境。
I'll decide where it goes from here.從現在起一切由我說了算.
I make the path.我會開出一條路。
我的句子不多,希望能用到 (*^__^*) 1 one day she was sitting by the river with a book . 2 a white rabbit ran past her. 3 the queen was playing in the garden and the king was sitting on the grass 4 alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange word. 5 the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. 6 she never thought about how she was going to get out again.