To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was immediately successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and has become a classic of modern American literature. The plot and characters are loosely based on the author's observations of her family and neighbors, as well as on an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936, when she was 10 years old.
The novel is renowned for its warmth and humor, despite dealing with the serious issues of rape and racial inequality. The narrator's father, Atticus Finch, has served as a moral hero for many readers and as a model of integrity for lawyers. One critic explains the novel's impact by writing, "In the twentieth century, To Kill a Mockingbird is probably the most widely read book dealing with race in America, and its protagonist, Atticus Finch, the most enduring fictional image of racial heroism."
As a Southern Gothic novel and a Bildungsroman, the primary themes of To Kill a Mockingbird involve racial injustice and the destruction of innocence. Scholars have noted that Lee also addresses issues of class, courage, compassion, and gender roles in the American Deep South. The book is widely taught in schools in the United States with lessons that emphasize tolerance and decry prejudice. Despite its themes, To Kill a Mockingbird has been subject to campaigns for removal from public classrooms, often challenged for its use of racial epithets.
Reaction to the novel varied widely upon publication. Literary analysis of it is sparse, considering the number of copies sold and its widespread use in education. Author Mary McDonough Murphy, who collected individual impressions of the book by several authors and public figures, calls To Kill a Mockingbird "an astonishing phenomenon".In 2006, British librarians ranked the book ahead of the Bible as one "every adult should read before they die".[3] It was adapted into an Oscar-winning film in 1962 by director Robert Mulligan, with a screenplay by Horton Foote. Since 1990, a play based on the novel has been performed annually in Harper Lee's hometown of Monroeville, Alabama. To date this is Lee's only published novel, although Go Set a Watchman is scheduled to be published on July 14, 2015. Lee continues to respond to the book's impact even though she has refused any personal publicity for herself or the novel since 1964.
《殺死一隻知更鳥》(英語:To Kill a Mockingbird),直譯應為“殺死一隻反舌鳥”,台譯“梅岡城故事”,是美國作家哈珀·李於1960年發行的小說,榮獲當年度普利策獎。此書剛出版便獲得極大成功,並成為美國現代文學的經典。小說的劇情與人物部分取材自作者對其家人與鄰居的觀察,以及一起發生在作者10歲時(1936年)故鄉附近的一起事件。
1932年,大蕭條時期的美國南方小鎮——阿拉巴馬州的梅崗,早年喪妻的父親阿蒂克斯·芬奇,一位律師,與他的兩個小孩,在這裏過著平凡而又幸福的生活。無論對子女、還是小鎮居民,阿蒂克斯都充滿愛,而且這種愛體現在每一個細節當中。他實實在在地幫助窮人贏得訴訟;毫不吝嗇自己對鄰居老太太的祝福與讚美;他和孩子們平等友好地相處著,孩子們甚至可以直呼他的名字。 一次,阿蒂克斯對孩子們說:“我射過一隻知更鳥,但有種負罪感,因為我想,它沒做錯什麼,還為我們唱歌;它不會騷擾民居,真的對我們好,它用心為我們歌唱。”知更鳥成了他自己的人生為之盡責的一個象征,也成為對自由和平等追求的一個標誌。 一天,小鎮的法官先生請他為一名叫湯姆·羅賓遜的黑人辯護,他被指控毆打並強奸年輕白人女子梅亞拉。阿蒂克斯的命運似乎開始有所改變,因為他的命運就和這種“知更鳥”般的信念聯係在一起。實際上,他已經走過的人生都是在實踐知更鳥的向往。隻不過這一次有些不同,也要艱難得多。 最大的不同就是他似乎在“冒天下之大不韙”。在那個年代,在南方的農村,普遍的“民情”還是白人對黑人有根深蒂固的偏見,雖然距離南北戰爭結束已經有四分之三世紀,但要消除種族歧視,至少在製度上實現種族平等,還有很長很長的路。這種偏見甚至深深投射在小鎮的眾多黑人們身上,直接的表現就是他們還沒有勇氣或者沒有辦法拿出改變自己命運的行動。他們隻能依靠阿蒂克斯這樣的律師來說話。所以,阿蒂克斯以一己之力,要想對抗沿襲已久的真實“民情”,注定會失敗。 巨大的壓力從他一接手案件時就發生了。他受到了原告的父親,一位經常爛醉如泥的、極端仇視黑人的種族分子辱罵和威脅;他的剛入小學的女兒,斯科特,因為別的孩子的侮辱而和人打架;鎮上充滿流言蜚語,最後演化為行動。為了防止一群鎮民將羅賓遜從拘押所搶出打死,他不得不通宵守在門口。 但是,阿蒂克斯有自己的準則,他是白人,但他更是一名律師、一位父親、一個每天和黑人們相處的平民。所以,他相信法律可以維護人的尊嚴,法律賦予他的工作是不可推辭的;因為愛別人和贏得了孩子、鎮民們的愛,所以他往往在平淡的話語和行動中踐行自己的責任;更關鍵的是,同樣根深蒂固地,在他自己看來,一個人的生命無論如何比他到底是白人還是黑人要重要得多。所以,我們必須理解,原告父親埃威的辱罵“你是黑人的維護者”,在阿蒂克斯看來,並不丟臉,當然,也沒有什麼值得榮耀。“平等”是阿蒂克斯看待人事不變的眼光。 是的,這些就是他所認定的尊嚴。當鎮上的謠言試圖阻止他為黑人羅賓遜辯護時,他仍然繼續向前,他為此的解釋一樣樸實:“有很多原因,最重要的原因是,如果我不這樣做,我在鎮上抬不起頭。”難道他頂著鎮上人的非議這樣去做,就已經抬起頭了嗎?這時我們發現,原來他的“麵子”,不是寄予別人的看法,而是出於內在的準則。 這個準則到現在還是統一的。那就是在阿蒂克斯心目中,維護法律、捍衛正義、查明真相三者之間簡直就是一回事。他內心深處不相信這三者可能出現的矛盾、衝突與斷裂。或者,即使他也清楚地明白,“世上有很多醜惡的事,孩子,我希望能夠使它們遠離你們,但那是不可能的”,然而,他仍然認為在真相、正義和法律麵前,這些醜惡也可以被戰勝、被製伏。難怪直到最後,羅賓遜在押往監獄的路上因為試圖逃跑而被打死後,他還戀戀不忘如果上訴,還有希望勝訴........
"to kill a mockingbird" belongs to those who are older movies, movies have a sense of reality makes it difficult to imagine. the film is full of the past eranostalgia, we can even from the movie feel the courage and doubt. one handfull of romantic color, on the other hand, but also by the realistic, like a ray of light through the dark forest leads us to seek the truth. the film is based onhubble. li adapted from the novel, gregory. one of the most representativeworks of parker movie career. "to kill a mockingbird" is a pioneer of liberalhollywood in the early 60. that was when the united states domestic black and white conflicts intensified the occasion, film though the great depression when things, is that the domestic status quo innuendo.
"To kill a Mockingbird" belongs to those who are older movies, movies have a sense of reality makes it difficult to imagine. The film is full of the past eranostalgia, we can even from the movie feel the courage and doubt. One handfull of romantic color, on the other hand, but also by the realistic, like a ray of light through the dark forest leads us to seek the truth. The film is based onhubble. Li adapted from the novel, gregory. One of the most representativeworks of Parker movie career. "To kill a Mockingbird" is a pioneer of liberalHollywood in the early 60. That was when the United States domestic black and white conflicts intensified the occasion, film though the great depression when things, is that the domestic status quo innuendo.
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