1、若想得到快樂,就別讓自己過得無精打采。 If you want to be happy, don't let yourself be listless.
2、愛情,親情,友情,都是快樂的港灣。 Love, family and friendship are all happy harbors.
3、我欣喜若狂,三步並作兩步就跑過去。 I was so ecstatic that I ran there in three and two steps.
4、鴕鳥的幸福,隻是一堆沙子。 The ostrich's happiness is just a pile of sand.
5、我不能選擇哪最好的,是那最好的選擇了我。 I can't choose which is the best, the best chooses me.
6、老去心情隨日減,遠來書信隔年間。 Old people's mood decreases with each passing day, and letters come from afar every other year.
7、快樂不在於事情,而在於我們自己。 Happiness lies not in things, but in ourselves.
8、我的心裏甜滋滋的,感到了從未有過的歡樂。 My heart is full of sweetness and joy that I have never felt before.
9、老娘法眼一開就知道你是個妖孽了。 Lao Niang knows you're a monster as soon as she opens her eyes.
10、笑是一種沒有副作用的鎮靜劑。 Laughter is a sedative without side effects.
11、世界上最美的臉是笑臉,快樂的人最美麗。 The most beautiful face in the world is a smiling face, and happy people are the most beautiful.
12、用嘻哈的藍調精神來過二胡一樣的生活。 Live an Erhu-like life with hip-hop blues.
13、聽到大家的讚美,他心裏美滋滋的! Hearing everybody's praise, his heart is full of joy!
14、沒有醫保和壽險的,天黑後不要見義勇為。 If there is no health insurance or life insurance, don't act bravely after dark.
15、我們的目標:向錢看,向厚賺。 Our goal: Look at money and make a good profit.