1、是所有人的朋友,對誰也不是朋友。——波蘭 Are all friends, not friends.
2、完成工作的方法是愛惜每一分鍾。——達爾文 Finish the work method is to cherish every minute of it.
3、不經巨大的困難,不會有偉大事業。——伏爾泰 Without great difficulty, there would be no great cause.
4、最有價值的知識是關於方法的知識。——達爾文 The most valuable knowledge is knowledge of the way.
5、德行善舉是惟一不敗的投資。——梭洛 Morality is the only undefeated investment good deeds.
6、以希望為生的人,將絕食而死。——富蘭克林 Hope for a living, will die by hunger.
7、求學如值樹,春天開花,秋天結果。——愛因斯坦 To study such as value tree, spring flowers, autumn results.
8、每個人都應成為自身的主宰。——佚名 Everyone should become the master of its own.
9、朋友間的不和,就是敵人進攻的機會。——伊索 Between friends, the opportunities of foes.
10、但願每次回憶,對生活都不感到負疚。——郭小川 I wish every time memories, don't feel guilty for life.
11、雲厚者,雨必猛,弓勁者,箭必遠。——葛洪 The thick clouds, the rain will be fierce, GongJin, the arrow will be far away.
12、相逢莫厭醉金杯,別離多,歡會少。——馮延巳 Meet the mo anaerobic drunk jinbei, separation, huan will be less.
13、人隻有在人們中間才能認識自己。——歌德 People can only know yourself among people.
14、年少從他愛梨粟,長成須讀五車書。——王安石 Young love pear corn from him, must read five cars.
15、別人的金窩銀窩,不如自己的草窩。——英國 East or west, home is best.
16、願為比翼鳥,施翮起高翔。——曹植 Wish for a pair of lovebirds, He up in.
17、許多次失敗總會造就一次成功。——佚名 Many times failure always make a success.
18、自信是成功的第一秘訣。——愛默生 Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success.
19、人生的價值在於創造一個有價的人生。——佚名 The value of life lies in creating a valuable life.
20、人的智慧不用就會枯萎。——達?芬奇 A man's wisdom without will wither.
21、時間就是生命。時間就是金錢。——富蘭克林 Time is life. Time is money.
22、我勸天公重抖擻,不拘一格降人才。——龔自珍 I urge the god alive, promising talents.
23、人喜歡習慣,因為造它的就是自己。——蕭伯納 People like to habit, because it is his.
24、每個人都為他不能行的善而心懷愧疚。——伏爾泰 Everyone is guilty of all the good he didn't do.
25、理想和勇敢是親兄弟。——英國諺語 Ideal and bravery are brothers.
26、戀愛並不是人生唯一的事業。——國分康孝 Love is not the only cause of life.
27、在孩子的嘴上和心中,母親就是上帝。——薩克雷 In the child's mouth and mind, mother is god.
28、過去算罪行的現在都成了疾病。——比爾?馬赫 Used to be a sin is now a disease.
29、生與死隻是腳下的奴仆。——泰戈爾 The birth and death is at the foot of the slave.
30、生活就是行動,而行動就是鬥爭。——別林斯基 Life is action, and action is struggle.
31、擇才不求備,任物不過涯。——元鎮 Choose to not ready, but your career.
32、一言而興邦,一言而喪邦。——孔子 Loss of bond and development, or say a word.
33、理想,一不小心便會繁衍出妄想來。——箱崎總一 Ideal, accidentally will breed delusion.
34、容易發怒,是品格上最為顯著的弱點。——但丁 Easy to anger, is the most significant weakness of character.
35、人聰明就會發財。傻瓜決不會致富。——高爾基 A man wise will make a fortune. A fool never rich.
36、社會就是書,事實就是教材。——盧梭 Society is a book, that is the teaching material.
37、人之有禮,憂魚之有水矣。——葛洪 Polite, care of the fish is water.
38、強製的社會製度不會是永存的。——托爾斯泰傳 The compulsory social system is not eternal.
39、聰明才智是撥動社會的杠杆。——巴爾紮克 Intelligence is moving the lever of the society.
40、豈能盡如人意,但求無愧我心!——林則徐 Is the best, but beg conscience clear my heart!
41、理解絕對是養育一切友情之果的土壤。——威爾遜 Understanding is raising all the soil is the fruit of friendship.
42、讀書謂已多,撫事知不足。——王安石 More reading ", fondle things to know.
43、最後的結果確定工作的成敗。——莎士比亞 Determine the final result of success or failure of work.
44、真理之川從他的錯誤之溝渠中通過。——泰戈爾 The stream of truth through from his channels of mistakes.
45、許多年輕人在學習音樂時學會了愛。——萊傑 Many young people in learning music has learned to love.
46、映雲光暫隱,隔樹花如綴。——李世民 Reflected cloud light temporarily hidden, every other tree as compose.
47、舊書不厭百回讀,熟讀精思子自知。——蘇軾 Old books get back to read, read up on pure child self-knowledge.
48、辛勤的蜜蜂永沒有時間的悲哀。——布萊克 Diligent bees have no time to sad.
49、沒有感恩就沒有真正的美德。——盧梭 No gratitude, no true virtue.
50、渴不飲盜泉水,熱不息惡木蔭。——陸機 Thirsty stolen drinking spring water, not hot not evil shadow of wood.
51、懶人無法享受休息之樂。——拉布克 Lazy people cannot enjoy rest.
52、誰給我一滴水,我便回報他整個大海。——華梅 Who give me a drop of water, and I will reward him across the sea.
53、不是事業為了思想,而是思想為了事業。——伏爾泰 Not cause for thought, but thought to cause.
54、科學的事業就是為人民服務。——列夫?托爾斯泰 Scientific career is to serve the people.
55、成功並不是重要的事,重要的是努力。——加費羅 Success is not important, the important is hard work.
56、工作是使生活得到快樂的最好方法。——康德 Work is the best way to make life happy.
57、強者必怒於言,懦者必怒於色。——韓愈 The strong will be angry to speak, NuoZhe will anger in color.
58、俱懷逸興壯思飛,欲上青天攬明月。——李白 All pregnant from xing zhuang, fly to the stars pull the bright moon.
59、人的靈魂表現在他的事業上。——易卜生 The soul of a man in his career.
60、隻要朝著陽光,便不會看見陰影。——海倫凱勒 As long as the sun, will not see the shadow.
61、親之割之不斷,疏者屬之不堅。——韓愈 Kiss cut constantly, a river is not strong.
62、不幸可能成為通向幸福的橋梁。——日本諺語 Misfortune may become the bridge to happiness.
63、冤家宜解不宜結,各自回頭看後頭。——馮夢龍 Appropriate solution of unfavorable knot, elected their look back.
64、如果失去夢想,人類將會怎樣?——熱豆腐 If lose dream, humans will be how?
65、偉大的目標形成偉大的人物。——埃蒙斯 Great goal to form a great figure.
66、勤能補拙是良訓,一分耕耘一分才。——華羅庚 Attendance is compensated with good training, no pains, no gains a minute only.
67、真正的友誼產生於共同的愛憎之中。——薩魯斯特 True friendship have in common to hate.
68、少年易老學難成,一寸光陰不可輕。——宋熹 The young to old learning difficulty, an inch of time is not light.
69、不放棄!決不放棄!永不放棄!——邱吉爾 Don't give up! Never give up. Never give up!
70、要體驗人生,就要把握現實,相信現實。——卡蒂特 To experience life, is about to get a grip on reality and believe in the reality.
71、我是世界的公民,應為人類而生。——諾貝爾 I'm a citizen of the world, should be human.