1、保持快樂,你就會幹得好,就更成功、更健康,對別人也就更仁慈。——馬克斯威爾?馬爾茲 To be happy, you will be well done, more success, more health, would be kinder to others。
2、在快樂時,朋友會認識我們;在患難時,我們會認識朋友。——柯林斯 When happy, friends will know us; A friend in trouble, we will know。
3、快樂,是人生中最偉大的事!——高爾基 Happiness, is the greatest thing in our life!
4、沒有人能比笑得過多的人更感到深切的悲衰。——裏克特 No one can feel more deeply than laughing too much sad failure。
5、允許孩子們以他們自己的方式獲得快樂,難道還有比這更好的方法?——塞?約翰遜 Allow children to be happy in their own way, is there any better way than this?
6、快樂不是件奇怪的東西,絕不因為你分給了別人而減少。有時你分給別人的越多,自己得到的也越多。——古龍 Happiness is not a strange thing, because you never give others。 Sometimes you give to others, the more they are also more。
7、悲傷可以自行料理,快樂的滋味如果要充分體會,就需要有人分享才行。——馬克吐溫 Sad to arrange, the taste of happiness if you want to fully understand, just need someone to share it。
8、凡人生之生也,必以其歡,憂則失紀,怒則失端,憂悲喜怒道乃無處。愛欲靜之,遇亂正之,勿引勿摧,福將自歸。——管仲 And the birth of life, will make its joys and sorrow, loss, anger is end, sorrow feeling nu way is nowhere。 Love is static, the encounter of is in disorder, don't do not destroy, blessing the return。
9、一個人成為他自己了,那就是達到了快樂的頂點。——德西得烏?伊拉斯謨 A person as his own, that is achieved the zenith of happiness。
10、人生真正的快樂,在於能對一個事業有所貢獻,而自己認識到這是個偉大的事業。——蕭伯納 True happiness in life, is to make a contribution to a cause, and realize that this is a great career。
11、所有快樂中最偉大的快樂存在於對真理的沉思之中。——阿奎那 The greatest happiness of all happiness exists in the contemplation of truth。
12、笑是一種沒有副作用的鎮靜劑。——格拉索 Laughter is a tranquilizer, no side effects。
13、人們需要快樂,就像需要衣服一樣。——瑪格瑞特?科利爾?格雷厄姆 People need to be happy, just like need clothes。
14、做好事是人生中唯一確實快樂的行動。——西德尼 Doing good things is the only really happy action in one's life。
15、當我們愛別人的時候,生活是美好、快樂的。——列夫?托爾斯泰 When we love others, life is good and happy。
16、所有的人都以快樂幸福作為他們的目的;沒有例外,不論他們所使用的方法是如何不同,大家都在朝著這同一目標前進。——帕斯卡 Everyone to happiness as their purpose; Without exception, no matter how the methods they use is different, everyone is working towards the same goal。
17、快樂之道不隻在於做自己喜愛的事,更在於喜愛自己不得不做的事。——巴裏 The path to happiness is not only do their favorite things, is the love you have to do more。
18、家庭和睦是人生最快樂的事。——歌德 Family harmony is the most happy life。
19、對於那些內心充溢快樂的人們而言,所有的過程都是美妙的。——羅莎琳?德卡斯奧 For those inside of happy people, all of the process are wonderful。
20、快樂,使生命得以延續。快樂,是精神和肉體的朝氣,是希望和信念,是對自己的現在和來來的信心,是一切都該如此進行的信心。——果戈理 Happy, makes possible the continuation of life。 The spirit of happiness, is the spirit and the flesh, is the hope and faith, is now and come to faith in yourself, it's all so confidence。
21、笑實在是仁愛的象征,快樂的源泉,親近別人的媒介。有了笑,人類的感情就溝通了。——雪萊 Smile is a symbol of love, the source of happiness, to be close to others。 With smile, human relationship is communication。
22、沒有一回的快樂是無煩擾的。——福萊 Happiness is no bother no one。
23、人生最大的快樂不在於占有什麼,而在於追求什麼的過程。——本生 Life's greatest happiness is not what you possess, but in the pursuit of what process。
24、所謂內心的快樂,是一個人過著健全的、正常的、和諧的生活所感到的快樂。——羅曼?羅蘭 The so-called inner happiness, is a person live a healthy, normal and harmonious life of happiness。
25、所謂快樂,是指身體的無痛苦和靈魂的無紛擾。——伊壁鳩魯 The so-called happiness, is refers to the body without pain and soul without distractions。
26、一個有真正大才能的人會在工作過程中感到最高度的快樂。——歌德 A true great man of talent will feel in the working process of the most high level of happiness。
27、快樂不在於事情,而在於我們自己。——理查德?瓦格納 Happiness is not in things, but in ourselves。
28、最幸福的似乎是那些並無特別原因而快樂的人,他們僅僅因快樂而快樂。——威廉姆?拉爾夫?英奇 The most happiness seems to be the happy man, there is no special reason they only because of the joy and happiness。
29、一個人如能讓自己經常維持像孩子一般純潔的心靈,用樂觀的心情做事,用善良的心腸待人,光明坦白,他的人生一定比別人快樂得多。——羅蘭 A person can let oneself always maintain clean and pure mind, like children with optimistic mood to do things, with a kind heart treat people, light, his life must be happier than others。
30、世界上沒有比快樂更能使人美麗的化妝品。——布雷頓 Nothing in the world happy can make people more beautiful cosmetics。
31、人生所有的歡樂是創造的歡樂:愛情、天才、行動——全靠創造這一團烈火迸射出來的。——羅曼?羅蘭 All joy is the joy of creation in life: love, genius, action - all by creating a ball of fire projectiles。
32、真正的快樂是內在的,它隻有在人類的心靈裏才能發現。——布雷默 True happiness is inside, it can only be found in the hearts of men。
33、真正的笑,就是對生活樂觀,對工作快樂,對事業興奮。——愛因斯坦 The real smile, is optimistic about life, about work happy, excited to the enterprise。
34、人生最大的快樂是致力於一個自己認為偉大的目標。——蕭伯納 Life's greatest happiness is committed to a himself thought a great goal。
35、快樂既然是人類和獸類所共同追求的東西,所以從某種意義上說,它就是最高的善。——亞裏士多德 Happy now that is the common pursuit of human and beast, so in a sense, it is the highest good。
36、盡可多創造快樂去填滿時間,哪可活活縛著時間來陪著快樂。——聞一多 Can create more joy to fill time, which can be alive bound with a happy time to accompany。
37、樂觀都於一個災難中看到一個希望,悲觀中於一個希望中看到一個災難。——諺語 Optimism in a disaster to see a hope, pessimistic in a hope to see a disaster。
38、牙齒痛的人,想世界上有一種人最快樂,那就是牙齒不痛的人。——蕭伯納 Tooth aches, want to have a man in the world the most happy, is the person who's teeth pain。
39、家居的快樂,是所有誌向的最終目標;是所有事業的勞苦的終點。——塞?約翰生 The joy of household, is the ultimate goal of all ambition; Is the end of the cause of all labors。
40、快樂沒有本來就是壞的,但是有些快樂的產生者卻帶來了比快樂大許多倍的煩擾。——伊壁鳩魯 Happy happiness not is bad, but some producers brought a troubled many times larger than happiness。
41、快樂的秘訣是:讓興趣盡可能地擴張,對人對物的反應盡可能出自善意而不是惡意的興趣。——羅蘭 The secret of happiness is: let the interest expansion, as much as possible to people react to things as much as possible from the goodwill, not malicious。