1、諾言快似駿馬,但事實可以追上它。——西班牙諺語 Promise quick like a horse, but it can catch up with it。
2、真理是良藥,謊言是病毒。——阿拉伯 Truth is the best remedy, a lie is virus。
3、大家都不聽謊言,說謊的人也就絕跡了。——貝蒂 Everyone don't listen to your lies, liar would be extinct。
4、寧願在所有人之前被一個人說壞話,不願在一個人之前被所有人說壞話。——霍威爾 Would rather ill before all people by one person said, than by all before one person said bad words。
5、每生塊土壤都會長出虛偽和欺詐,它們可是四季植物啊。——艾迪生 Every piece of soil of hypocrisy and fraud, they are the four seasons of plant。
6、相信謊言的人必將在真理之前毀滅。——赫爾巴特 People who believe in lies will destroy before truth。
7、無言的純潔的天真,往往比說話更能打動人心。——莎士比亞 Wordless purity naive, often can move more than speak。
8、謠言是越散播越濃厚的東西。——M?H?W Rumors are spreading more and more strong。
9、謊言是根浮木,早晚會被衝海岸。——阿爾巴尼亞 Driftwood lie is root, sooner or later are washed to the shore。
10、諂媚也可造成協調,但這種協調是借奴性的無恥的罪過或欺騙所造成。——斯賓諾莎 Flattery can also cause coordination, but this coordination is servile shameless sin or deception。
11、謊言生謊言,謊言世代傳。——英國 A lie begets a lie, a lie from generation to generation。
12、善意的謊言是美麗的,開誠布公直截了當是一種錯誤,我選擇謊言。——佚名 White lie is beautiful, frank and straightforward when it is a mistake, I choose to lie。
13、謊言四季都能生長。——伯克 Lies the four seasons can grow。
14、真情告白坦率無忌是一種傷害,我選擇謊言致天下之治者在人才,成天下之才者在教化。——胡瑗 True confession frank mowgli is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie to the world of governance in the talent, into the world of people in the enlightenment。
15、男人生來就會撒謊,而女人生來就會輕信謊言。——蓋伊 A man born to lie, and women born to believe a lie。
16、有時候,謊言很美麗,她的名字叫“善意的謊言”。——米露西桑娜 Sometimes, a lie is very beautiful, her name is called "white lies"。
17、人們喜愛謊言,不僅因為害怕查明真相的艱難困苦,而且因為他們對謊言本身具有一種自然卻腐朽的愛好。——培根 People love lies, not only because of afraid to find out the truth of difficulties and hardships, but also because they are rotten to lie itself has a natural interest。
18、謊言不能持久。——德國 ies can never last。
19、給自己辯護的人,告發了他自己。——托爾斯泰 To defend himself, turn on his own。
20、世界上隻有孩子和傻瓜不會撒謊。——約?海伍德 The only child in the world and don't lie。
21、說‘我不知道’也比說謊好。——馬根 I don't know "is better than lying。
22、善良的人不應該說假話,聰明的人不應傳假話。——尼癸狄烏斯 Kind man shouldn't say falsehood, smart people should not lie。
23、謊言越傳越離奇。——奧維德 Lies in the more bizarre。
24、一個人寧可能一百句謊言,也不想聽一句他不願聽到的真話。——塞?約翰遜 Can a person rather than one hundred lies, also don't want to listen to a word he didn't want to hear the truth。
25、揭穿謊言比追捕瘸腿的狗還容易。——匈牙利 Deception is easier than pursuing the lame dog。
26、真理大步走近,謊言就得跑開。——俄羅斯 Truth step approach, lies have to run away。
27、每當一個人宣稱所有人類都是壞蛋之時,你盡可放心好了,在這當兒他是把自己作為例外演出的。——傑羅爾德 Whenever a person claimed that all humans are bad guys, you may rest assured that in all this while he is himself as an exception。
28、半真半假的謊言是最惡毒的謊言。——德國 Half-truths lies is the most vicious lies。
29、最刻毒的謊言往往以沉默的方式說出來。——英國 The bitterest often lie in the silence of the way。
30、謊言的船開不遠。——土耳其 Lies near the boat。
31、默默傳開的謊言常常最損人的。——羅?路?史蒂文森 Often the most offensive silently spread lies。
32、最成功的說謊者是那些使最少量的謊言發揮最大的作用的人。——塞?巴特勒 One of the most successful liar is a lie that makes the least amount of play the biggest role。
33、有時人們也痛恨阿諛奉承,但隻痛恨阿諛奉承的方式而已。——拉羅什夫科 Sometimes people also hated flattery, but hated flattery only way。
34、世界上沒有人人都不信的謊言,也沒有一句謊言都不信或隻相信謊言的人。——斯大林 Not everyone in the world do not believe the lies, no don't believe a lie or only believe lies。
35、諂媚從來不會出自偉大的心靈。——巴爾紮克 Flattery never out great minds。
36、生命不可能從謊言中開出燦爛的鮮花。——海涅 Lies in the life can't leave from the bright flowers。