1、如果你孩子貧窮是你父母的罪惡,因為在他小時候,你沒有給他正確的人生觀。If your child poverty is your parents' evil, because in his childhood, you didn't give him a correct outlook on life。
2、即使沒有成功,但是你盡力了,你的人生也一定與眾不同。Even if no success, but you do your best, your life will be different。
3、生命本身就是奇跡,每個人都要勇敢地去夢想,勇敢地創造奇跡。Life itself is a miracle, everyone must bravely to dream, the miracle bravely。
4、一個人最大的破產是絕望,最大的資產是希望。A person's biggest bankruptcy is desperation, the greatest assets is hope。
5、感謝你的支持,不論今天有多挫折,我仍會勇敢地活下去。Thank you for your support, no matter how setback today, I will live bravely。
6、擁有夢想隻是一種智力,實現夢想才是一種能力。Dream is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability。
7、但最重要的,還是今天,是我們今天所要麵對的人,所有想做的事。But most of all, still today, is the one we face today, all want to do。
8、任何事情要想取得成功,必須肯下苦功,並有堅持到底的毅力。Anything you want to succeed, must be willing to hard work, and hold on to the end of perseverance。
9、是非以不辯為解脫,煩惱以忍辱為智慧,辦事以盡力為有功。Is not to argue for relief, troubles in shame, for wisdom, handle affairs to do our best to active。
10、成功就是憑著勇氣和努力,不斷地超越自己,做最好的自己。Success is with courage and hard work, constantly transcend yourself, do your best。
11、如果如此運行,周而複始,延綿不竭,那將是一個多麼美妙的世界啊!If so, the cycle, or take up, it would be a wonderful world!
12、實現自己既定的目標,必須能耐得住寂寞單幹。Achieve the goal of their established, can withstand must be lonely alone。
13、感謝老天爺所降下的雨水,為傷心淤積的心靈刷洗潔淨。Thank goodness for the rain, for deposition in heart sad scrub clean。
14、成功的秘訣就在於多努力一次。為了成功,你努力了多少次?The secret of success lies in how hard again。 In order to succeed, how many times have you tried?
15、不為失敗找理由,要為成功找方法。No excuses for failure, want to find methods for success。
16、不要把成功想得太遙遠,有時候,它離我們很近,隻是由於我們的疏忽而與它失之交臂。Don't think too far successful, sometimes, it is quite near to us, just because of our negligence with it。
17、受思深處宜先退,得意濃時便可休。By deep thought proper back first, when in thick can take。
18、對一個年輕人而言最重要的是個人價值的增加。The most important for a young man is a man of value。
19、成功離你很近,隻要再多一點點堅持,你就會嚐到勝利的果實。Success is close to you, as long as a little more persistence, you will taste the fruits of victory。
20、準備種子,就收獲果實;準備努力,就收獲成功;準備今天,就收獲明天。To prepare seed, we harvest the fruit; Ready to work hard, there is harvest success; Prepare today, harvest tomorrow。
21、金錢損失了還能挽回,一旦失去信譽就很難挽回。Lost can also save money, once lost credibility is hard to recover。
22、在人生的旅途中,一定要學會自己拯救自己,這樣才能在逆境中奮勇前行。In the journey of life, must learn to save themselves, so as to forge forward in adversity。
23、麵對人生的磨難,請用你的毅力創造生命的奇跡吧!In the face of the hardships of life, please use your willpower to create the miracle of life!
24、人生會遇到很多障礙,這些障礙就像阻擋我們的布簾子,我們要勇敢地掀起它。Life will encounter many obstacles, these obstacles like stop us cretonne curtain, we want to lift it bravely。
25、哪怕是最沒有希望的事情,隻要有一個勇敢者去堅持做,到最後就會擁有希望。Even the most no hope things, as long as there is a the brave to insist to do, in the end will have hope。
26、經曆過人生的風風雨雨,才能夠豐富自己的閱曆,理解人生的真諦。Has experienced the ups and downs of life, to enrich their experience, understand the true meaning of life。
27、時間是寶貴的,抓住了時間就抓住了成功。Time is precious, grasp the time。
28、你必須百分之百的把自己推銷給自己。You must be one hundred percent sell himself to himself。
29、隻有滿懷勇氣,不畏艱辛,才能獲得更大的成功。Only the courage, not afraid of hardship, to achieve greater success。
30、生活若剝去理想、夢想、幻想,那生命便隻是一堆空架子。If life peels off the ideal, dream, fantasy, that life is just a pile of mere skeleton。
31、我們可以自己長得不漂亮,但絕對不能讓自己的人生不漂亮。We can not pretty, but absolutely can't let your life not beautiful。
32、意誌力是人的一條救生索,它可以幫助我們脫離困境,引導我們走向勝利。Willpower is a lifeline, it can help us out of the woods, lead us to victory。
33、人家比我們強,我們向人家學;人家不如我們,我們要幫人一把。The somebody else better than us, we ask the school; The somebody else than us, we are going to gang。
34、感謝黑夜的來臨,我知道今天不論有多失敗,全新的明天,仍然等待我來證明自己。Thank you for the coming of the night, I know that no matter how failure today, a new tomorrow, still waiting for me to prove himself。
35、昨天很重要,它構建了我們的記憶;明天很重要,它讓我們有了憧憬和夢想。Yesterday is very important, it builds our memory; Tomorrow is very important, it gives us hopes and dreams。
36、努力可能失敗,但放棄則意味著永遠不可能成功。Efforts may fail, but to give up means that can never be successful。
37、你要求的次數越多,你就越容易得到你想要的東西,而且也會享受到更多的樂趣。The more you ask, the easier it is for you to get what you want, but also can enjoy more fun。
38、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也隻能腳踏實地地邁一步。Even up to the highest hill, a step in a down-to-earth way。
39、惡是犁頭,善是泥,善人常被惡人欺,鐵打犁頭年年壞,未見田中換爛泥。Evil is ploughshares, good is the mud, good is often the wicked deceit, iron plowshare bad year after year, no change tanaka mud。
40、忍別人所不能忍的痛,吃別人所不能吃的苦,是為了收獲別人得不到的收獲。Endure other people can't endure the pain, eat other people can't eat bitterness, in order to reap others get harvest。
41、遇到困難時,我們要用自信戰勝困難,戰勝自己。When in trouble, we need confidence to overcome difficulties, overcome ourselves。
42、隻要厄運打不垮信念,希望之光就會驅散絕望之雲。As long as the fate can't break faith, the light of hope will dispel clouds of despair。
43、平生無一事可瞞人,此是大快。For all things to deceive people, this is big fast。
44、失敗隻有一種,那就是半途而廢。There is only one kind of failure, that is to fall by the wayside。
45、發現自己的閃光點,挖掘自己的潛能,做你真正喜歡的事業。Find the best in myself, digging their own potential, do you really like。
46、人生偉業的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。The establishment of the great achievement, but can not know, is in the can。
47、有壓力,但不會被壓垮;迷茫,但永不絕望。Have pressure, but will not be overwhelmed; Lost, but never despair。
48、“麻煩”能讓你學會很多東西,也是鍛煉你自己的機會,因此不要害怕“麻煩”。"Trouble" helps you learn many things, is also a chance to exercise your own, so don't be afraid of "trouble"。
49、第二天叫醒我的不是鬧鍾,其實,是夢想!The second day wake up my not alarm clock, in fact, is a dream!
50、每天晚上疲勞的睡在床上時,才感覺真真切切地過了一天。Every night sleep in a bed of fatigue, felt real a day。
51、你縱有千百個理由放棄,也要給自己找一個堅持下去的理由。Longitudinal have hundreds of a reason to give up you, also want to give yourself to find a reason to stick to it。
52、讓自己一邊成熟,一邊尋找時機。等時機成熟時,理想就可以實現了。Let oneself mature, while looking for opportunity。 Such as the time is right, the ideal can be realized。
53、怕吃苦的人苦一輩子,不怕吃苦的人苦一陣子。Fear hardship, bitter for a lifetime, does not fear endures hardship people bitter for a while。
54、麵對困境,我們要堅持自己的信念,就像守住一段珍貴的“沉香”。In the face of difficulties, we should insist on your faith, like to hold a precious "Chen xiang"。