1、我們長久以來受此磨難而不自知,每日萬分苦悶卻不知它何起何終。——蔣方舟 We don't even know it by the ordeal for quite a long time, every day very depressed but don't know what it's end.
2、偉大的作家,最後留下來的,是他的人還是他的作品?我認為是他的人。——蔣方舟 Great writers, and finally to stay, it is him or his work? I thought it was him.
3、我永遠不知道永遠到底有多遠,也許都是很短暫的。——安妮寶貝 I never know exactly how far is it forever, may be very short.
4、矛盾像首尾互接的魚,在這個世界中長久地存活著。——落落 Contradiction as fore and aft interconnection of fish survives for a long time in the world.
5、現代,不僅僅是一截時間。現代是寬容,現代是氣度,現代是遼闊,現代是浩翰。——餘秋雨 Modern, not just a piece of time. Modernism is tolerance, is bearing, modern is vast, modern is huge.
6、人的心是一條河流,所有的行為都源於人內心的河流深處。——北村 The heart is like a river, all the behavior stems from a deep inner river.
7、幸運者做豬不幸者做人,我是個幸運的不幸者,起碼我睡的像豬。——亦舒 Pig unfortunate to be the lucky ones do, I'm a lucky unfortunate people, at least I slept like a pig.
8、活了半輩子了連個秘密都沒有,真是浪費了這張鬼鬼祟祟的臉。——蔣方舟 Live the rest doesn't even have a secret, it's a waste of the furtive face.
9、是你蒼白了我的等待,諷刺了我的執著。——餘秋雨 Is your pale I wait, irony, my obsession.
10、遠方除了遙遠一無所有更遠的地方,更加孤獨遠方的幸福,是多少痛苦。——海子 In addition to the distant place, nothing beyond distance more lonely happiness far away, is how much pain.
11、你不想做的事,原本都是你不用做的事。——落落 You don't want to do, is you don't have to do.
12、不錯,是不夠的,有人做得更好,略差的便遭淘汰,理所當然。——亦舒 Good, is not enough, someone do better, slightly difference was eliminated, taken for granted.
13、假的感情是沒有用的,起真正決定性作用的,是人的自私和軟弱。——安妮寶貝 It is no use false feelings, really the decisive role, is that people are selfish and weak.
14、誰是誰的幸運星,或是天兵天將,命中注定,各有前因。——亦舒 Who is the lucky star, or mountain day, fate, because each has before.
15、婚姻是愛情的墳墓,而榮譽和誘惑,則是寫作者的墳墓。——蔣方舟 Marriage is the grave of love, and honor and temptation, it is the writer's grave.
16、一個人不應該一輩子背著不加解釋的汙點生活。——柴靜 A person should not be a lifetime carrying the stain of life without explanation.
17、愛,從來都不算是歸宿,也不是我們彼此的救贖。——安妮寶貝 Love, has never been a home to return to, it's not what we each other's redemption.
18、凡是人盡可夫的女人,都掛著一個淑女的招牌。——亦舒 All people can be a woman, hung a lady's signature.
19、若愛,請深愛,如棄,請徹底,不要曖昧,傷人傷己。——餘秋雨 If love, please love deeply, such as abandon, please thoroughly, not ambiguous, wounding hurt yourself.
20、憐憫也許能拯救一個人的靈魂,但卻不能輕易改變生活。——安妮寶貝 Compassion may be able to save a person's soul, but will not easily change your life.
21、對媒體的容忍有多大,這個社會的進步就有多大。——柴靜 How big is the tolerance of media, the big of the progress of the society.
22、我們始終都在練習微笑,終於變成不敢哭的人。——餘秋雨 We always are in practice smiling, finally become can't cry.
23、我有一簾幽夢,不知與誰能共,多少秘密在其中,欲訴無人能懂。——瓊瑤 I have a sad dream, do not know and who can, how many secret in them, would like to no one can understand.
24、習慣決絕而殘酷無情地拋棄傳統的民族,其人對人也大抵如此。——北村 Habit refuse and ruthlessness to discard the traditional nation, is also so for people.
25、嫉妒的起點,是人們對自身脆弱的隱憂。——餘秋雨 The starting point of envy, is people's concern to their fragile.
26、我們的謊言是純淨的,不摻和一絲真相。——蔣方舟 We lie is pure, not with a trace of truth.
27、你是我軟綿綿的香,你是我下巴上永遠舔不到的那一粒晚餐的遺孤。——落落 You are my sweet soft, you are my chin never lick the grain of orphans for the dinner.
28、愛是平等的,可以付出更多,也可以愛他更多,但決不是妥協、將就、容忍。——餘秋雨 Love is equal, you can pay more, also can love him more, but is by no means compromise, will, tolerance.
29、愛情是容易被懷疑的幻覺,一旦被識破就自動灰飛煙滅。——安妮寶貝 Love is easy to doubt the illusion, once be found is automatically.
30、人們在還能笑的時候,是不容易被打敗的。——柴靜 People can also laugh, it is not easy to be defeated.
31、事無大小,若非當事人本身,永遠沒法子明了真相。——亦舒 Everything, unless the parties themselves, always can't know the truth.
32、婚姻隻是一種生活方式,而並非結局。——安妮寶貝 Marriage is just a way of life, not the ending.
33、人就是這樣,說好拿一樣來換另一樣,早已應允,屆時卻一定有悔意。——亦舒 That is good as same as for the other, have already answered, but then there must be some regret.
34、過程和結局都有了,再去糾纏,連自己都覺得貪婪。——海子 Here are the process and outcome, again to entwine, connect oneself feel greedy.
35、沒有任何淚水使我變成花朵,沒有任何國王使我變成王座。——海子 No tears make me flowers, no king make my throne.
36、寂寞使人們與自身之外的世界的距離。所以,我們隻是相似的寂寞的人。——安妮寶貝 Loneliness makes the distance between people and the outside world. So, we just like lonely people.
37、我懷念的不是你,而是你給的致命曾經。——餘秋雨 What I miss is not you, but you give the deadly ever.
38、欺侮人的人,從來不記得,被欺侮的那個,卻永誌在心。——亦舒 To bully people, remember, never be bullied the, never to heart.
39、中國,拒絕安慰劑,尋找安魂劑。——北村 China, refused to placebo, looking for agent of requiem.
40、對一個記者來說,通往人心之處,也許是最艱難的一種曆險。——柴靜 For a reporter, leading to the heart, is perhaps the most difficult kind of adventure.
41、最折磨人的或許不是一場慘烈戰爭,而是煩瑣的日常生活。——亦舒 The most tortured people may not be a bloody war, but rather tedious daily life.
42、對不起,生為女人,所以身如牲口;對不起,身為女人,所以命若飄萍。——蔣方舟 I'm sorry, was born a woman, so the body such as the cattle; I'm sorry, but as a woman, so if life PiaoPing.
43、孤獨對一個作家是很有用的東西,你必須要有時間來獨立思考。——北村 Loneliness is very useful to a writer, you must have time to think for themselves.
44、嫉妒是自己的敵人,也是他人的敵人。——餘秋雨 Jealousy is his own enemy, also is the enemy of others.
45、愛是恒久忍耐,愛是恩賜,愛是永無止盡。——安妮寶貝 Love is patient, love is a gift, love is endless.
46、不要因為走得太遠,忘了我們為什麼出發。——柴靜 Don't go too far, forget why we set out.
47、理想不是用來實現的,是用來靠近的。——蔣方舟 Ideal is not used to implement, is used to close.
48、不是誰離開了誰就無法生活,遺忘讓我們堅強。——安妮寶貝 Is not who left who cannot live, forgotten let us strong.
49、生活是很自然的事情,就像跟朋友在一起,忘我是最好的狀態。——柴靜 Life is a very natural thing, like with friends together, is the best state.
50、人,活在自己的悲哀裏還比較容易,活在別人的同情裏才更艱難。——瓊瑤 People, living in his own sorrow is relatively easy, live in other people's sympathy is more difficult.
51、一個妻子沒有辦法把丈夫拴在身邊,那是做女人的失敗。——瓊瑤 Have no way to put her husband a wife tied to the side, that is to be a woman's failure.
52、靈魂深處的美麗和寂寞,總是需要一個人來讀懂。——安妮寶貝 The beauty of the soul and lonely, always need a person to read.
53、不管任何人,你去告訴別人應該怎麼樣,這就是錯的方式。——柴靜 Whether anyone, how do you go to tell others, this is the wrong way.
54、當一個男人喜歡一個女人的時候,他可以為她做一切事。——亦舒 When a man likes a woman, he can do everything for her.
55、當人獲得自由的時候,自由本身就成為他的束縛。——安妮寶貝 When people's freedom, freedom itself to be his tie.
56、人們聲稱最美好的歲月其實都是最痛苦的,隻是事後回憶起來才那麼幸福。——柴靜 People claim that the best years are the most painful, only then happy later recall.
57、風後麵是風,天空上麵是天空,道路前麵還是道路。——海子 Behind the wind is the wind, the sky is the sky above, in front of the road or path.
58、碎了一地的諾言,拚湊不回的昨天。——餘秋雨 Broken a promise, put together back yesterday.
59、如果坦白是一種傷害,我選擇謊言。如果謊言也是傷害,我選擇沉默。——餘秋雨 If frank is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie. If a lie is also hurt, I choose silence.
60、打破沉默的方法就是忘記自己,去傾聽他人心底的沉默。——柴靜 Break the silence way is to forget her, to listen to others heart silence.
61、繪一場生死契闊的遊戲,為我們的故事寫一個結局。——海子 Draw a game of raw irrevocable title deed is vast, as we write a story ends.
62、因為生活太無常,故此努力保留瑣碎的東西,抓住它們,也似抓住了根。——亦舒 Because life is too volatile, so try to keep the trivial things, seize them, also caught the root.
63、孤獨和年齡沒有關係,隻要你活著,就會是孤獨。——安妮寶貝 Loneliness has nothing to do with age, as long as you live, will be lonely.
64、既然走上了演藝之路,我想努力一番,看看這一路的風景會是如何。——蕭敬騰 Since I'm on the road of performing arts, I think, hard look at how the scenery along the way will.
65、沒有啟示,人越老未必越智慧。力量和信心皆失,唯陳腐耳。——北村 No revelation, the old is not necessarily the wisdom. The strength and confidence is lost, only stale ears.
66、最疼的疼是原諒,最黑的黑是絕望。——餘秋雨 The most painful pain is to forgive, the most black black is despair.
67、男人真正值錢的還是風度與學問。——亦舒 A man truly valuable and manner and learning.
68、一個失敗的婚姻,就是一場悲劇;結束一場悲劇,等於開始一場喜劇。——瓊瑤 A failed marriage, it is a tragedy; End of a tragedy is a comedy.
69、一個人在心灰意冷到極點的時候,往往會得積極起來。——亦舒 A person in the lose hope to the fullest, tend to have positive.
70、永恒的並不是我們,永恒的是所有須臾瞬間。——落落 Eternal is not our, is all an instant moment of the eternal.
71、沒人跟你過不去,是生活本身矛盾密布。——柴靜 No one with you, can not contradiction is life itself.
72、活在這珍貴的人間,太陽強烈,水波溫柔。——海子 Live in this in rare earth, the sun strong, gentle waves.
73、誰的聲音能抵達秋子之夜,長久喧響,掩蓋我們橫陳於地的骸骨。——海子 Whose voice can reach akiko night, long the louder, to cover up the bones of our bodies to the ground.
74、流淚,嘔吐,都會讓身體裏隱藏的靈魂更快地空洞下來。——安妮寶貝 Tears, vomiting, can let the body hidden in the soul cavity down faster.
75、注定要寄人籬下,就選一個較為理想的環境吧。——亦舒 Destined to sponsor, choose a more ideal environment.
76、世界上最複雜的是人的思想人的心,你的心比世界複雜。——蕭敬騰 The world's most complex in people's mind and the heart, your heart is more complicated than the world.
77、人們愛的是一些人,與之結婚生子的,又是另外一些人。——亦舒 Are some people, people love to marry and have children, and others.