1、我這個人走得很慢,但是我從不後退。——亞伯拉罕?林肯 I walked slowly, but I never retreat.
2、一個釘子擠掉另一個釘子,習慣要由習慣來取代。——伊拉斯謨 Squeeze out the another nail a nail, the habit is to be replaced by habit.
3、確定個人誌向,選好專業,這是幸福的源泉。——蘇霍姆林斯基 Determine the personal aspirations, choose good major, this is the source of happiness.
4、天才就是回避艱苦工作的能力。——埃?哈伯德 Genius is the ability to avoid hard work.
5、取得成就時堅持不懈,要比遭到失敗時頑強不屈更重要。——拉羅什夫科 Achievement persistence, fortitude is more important than when failure.
6、堅強的信念能贏得強者的心,並使他們變得更堅強。——白哲特 Strong belief can win the heart of the strong, and make them stronger.
7、我的那些最重要的發現是受到失敗的啟發而獲得的。——戴維 I am the most important discovery was inspired by failure.
8、許多偉大的真理開始的時候都被認為是褻瀆行為。——蕭伯納 Many of the great truths at the start of the is considered to be against the behavior.
9、青年時魯莽,老年時悔恨。——富蘭克林 Youth is a reckless, old age a regret.
10、我喜歡離開人們通行的小路,而走荊棘叢生的崎嶇山路。——倫琴 I like to leave people traffic lane, and rugged walk is fraught with risk.
11、相信謊言的人必將在真理之前毀滅。——赫爾巴特 People who believe in lies will destroy before truth.
12、今日能做的事,勿延至明日。——富蘭克林 Not until tomorrow what you can do today.
13、事業是理念和實踐的生動統一。——亞裏士多德 Cause vivid idea and practice is unified.
14、青春一去不複返,事業一縱永無成。——勃朗寧 Youth is gone, cause a ZongYong.
15、昨天隻是今天的回憶,明天隻是今天的夢。——吉卜齡 Yesterday is today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream.
16、人應該支配習慣,而決不能讓習慣支配自己。——奧斯特洛夫斯基 People should dominate habit, and not allow their habit.
17、許多年輕人在學習音樂時學會了愛。——萊傑 Many young people in learning music has learned to love.
18、當一個人一心一意做好事情的時候,他最終是必然會成功的。——盧梭 When a person is undivided attention when doing things, he is bound to succeed.
19、人生一世,草木一秋。——馮夢龍 Life is a life time, plant an autumn.
20、我成功是因為我有決心,從不躊躇。——拿破侖 I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.
21、我成功,因為誌在要成功,未嚐躊躇。——拿破侖 I succeeded, because to be successful, I never hesitated.
22、希望是厄運的忠實的姐妹。——普希金 Hope is the faithful sisters of fate.
23、生存的第一定律是:沒有什麼比昨天的成功更加危險。——托夫勒 Survival is the first law: no more dangerous than yesterday's success.
24、隻要脊梁不彎,就沒有扛不起的山。——洪戰輝 As long as the backbone bent, there is no can't afford to carry the mountain.
25、品格能決定人生,它比天資更重要。——弗?桑德斯 Character to life, it is more important than talent.
26、天下絕無熱烈勇敢地追求成功,而能取得成功的人。——拿破侖 No warm the world bravely to pursue success, and success.
27、事情還沒有做成就吹牛皮誇口,的確糟糕透頂。——《克雷洛夫寓言》 Things haven't do achievement braggart boast, really bad.
28、惟有真理,才是我該誓死捍衛的。——卡特賴特 But the truth is, I need to defend to the death.
29、機遇不來時,趕快裝扇門。——米爾頓?伯利 Opportunities do not come, hurry up door.
30、成功就是從失敗到失敗,也依然不改熱情。——丘吉爾 Success is from failure to failure, and still do not change.
31、在所有的批評中,最偉大最正確最天才的是時間。——別林斯基 In all the criticism, the greatest genius the right most is time.
32、人生不售來回票,一旦動身,絕不能複返。——羅曼?羅蘭 Life is not return ticket, once started, can never return.
33、一旦有了意誌,腳步也會輕鬆起來。——歐洲 Once you have the will, the steps will be easier.
34、成功是陡峭的階梯,兩手插在褲袋裏爬不上去。——佚名 The ladder of success is steep, his hands in his pockets couldn't climb up.
35、打破常規的道路指向智慧之宮。——布萊克 Road to the palace of wisdom to break all the rules.
36、誰不經過失敗挫折,誰就找不到真理。——佚名 Whoever without failure, can't find the truth.
37、哪裏有天才,我是把別人喝咖啡的功夫,都用在工作上的。——魯迅 Where there is a genius, I am the others drink coffee time, is to use on the job.
38、對時間的慷慨,就等於慢性自殺。——奧斯特洛夫斯基 The generosity of time, is equal to chronic suicide.
39、困難隻能嚇倒懦夫懶漢,而勝利永遠屬於敢於攀登科學高峰的人。——茅以升 Difficulties can only be intimidated by a coward idlers, and victory always goes to those who dare to climb the summit of science.
40、勝利者往往是從堅持最後五分鍾的時間中得來成功。——牛頓 The winner is often from the stick to the last five minutes from time success.
41、從工作裏愛了生命,就是通徹了生命最深的秘密。——紀伯倫 Love the life, from the work is to understand thoroughly the life's deepest secrets.
42、因害怕失敗而不敢放手一搏,永遠不會成功。——佚名 Because of the fear of failure and dare to try, will never succeed.
43、今是生活,今是動力,今是行為,今是創作。——李大釗 This is life, this is the power, this is a behavior, this is a creation.
44、辦成改革的產物,而不是改革的對象。——陳慕華 Reform of the product, and not the object of the reform.
45、友誼是天地間最可寶貴的東西,深摯的友誼是人生最大的一種安慰。——鄒韜奮 Friendship is the most valuable things between heaven and earth, sincere friendship is one of the greatest comfort.
46、道德衰亡,誠亡國滅種之根基。——章炳麟 Moral decay, honesty or foundations.
47、決心即力量,信心即成功。——托爾斯泰 Determination is power, confidence is successful.
48、卓越的人一大優點是:在不利與艱難的遭遇裏百折不饒。——貝多芬 As a big advantage is remarkable, in bad and hard encounters hundred fold not rao.
49、聰明出於勤奮,天才在於積累。——華羅庚 Intelligent out of diligence, genius is gained by accumulation.
50、習慣是一個人思想與行為的領導者。——愛默生 Habit is a human thought and behavior of the leader.
51、實驗上的失敗,可能成為發現的開端。——巴甫洛夫 Experiments on the failure of the beginning of may be found.
52、在所有的優點中,忍耐的優點對青年男女最不相幹。——查普曼 Of all the advantages, the advantages of patience for young men and women is the most irrelevant.
53、全盛時期的朋友無價值。——亨利?亞當斯 The heyday of the friend has no value.
54、通過辛勤工作獲得財富才是人生的大快事。——巴爾紮克 Gain wealth through hard work is the great thing in life.
55、總以某種固定方式行事,人便能養成習慣。——亞裏士多德 Total fixed in a certain way, people can get into the habit.
56、青年人如果有青年的精神,這精神就是樂觀。——茅盾 Young people if there is a young spirit, this spirit is optimistic.
57、思想的形成,首先是意誌的形成。——莫洛亞 The formation of ideas, the formation of the will in the first place.
58、勝利往往是從堅持最後五分鍾的時間中得來成功。——牛頓 Victory in the last five minutes often come from success.
59、工作就是人生的價值,人生的歡樂,也是幸福之所在。——羅丹 The value of work is life, the joy of life, is also happiness.
60、生命是一條艱險的狹穀,隻有勇敢的人才能通過。——米歇潘 Life is a dangerous cajon, only a brave man can pass.
61、作了好事受到職責而堅持下去,這才是奮鬥的本色。——巴爾紮克 Made a good responsibility and stick to it, this is the essence of struggle.
62、勞謙虛己,則附之者眾;驕慢倨傲,則去之者多。——葛洪 Lowe humble himself and those possessed by all the; Arrogance disdainful, was much more to the other.
63、隻有這樣的人才配生活和自由,假如他每天為之而奮鬥。——歌德 Only such people with life and liberty, if he had to struggle for a day.
64、忠實的朋友是菩薩的化身。——拿破侖 A faithful friend is the embodiment of the bodhisattva.
65、精神的浩瀚理想的活躍心靈的勤奮:就是天才。——狄德羅 Vast spirit ideal active industrious heart: is a genius.
66、偉大的思想能變成巨大的財富。——塞內加 Great ideas can turn into great wealth.
67、傲不可長,欲不可縱,樂不可極,誌不可滿。——魏征 Proud not long, not vertical, not extremely, is not full.
68、一經打擊就灰心泄氣的人,永遠是個失敗者。——毛姆 Once the fight will be discouraged, always a loser.
69、勝人者有力,自強者勝。——《老子》 He who gains a men of strong wins.
70、懂得生命真諦的人,可以使短促的生命延長。——佚名 A man who knows life true meaning, can make the short life extension.
71、因為真理是燦爛的,隻要有一個罅隙,就能照高整個田野。——赫爾岑 Because the truth is brilliant, as long as there is a crack, can according to the whole field.
72、個人的智慧隻是有限的。——普勞圖斯 The wisdom of the individual is limited.
73、念高危,則思謙衝而自牧;懼滿盈,則思江海下百川。——魏徵 Read the high-risk, humble and self; Fear full, then think bacc the jianghai.
74、刀鞘保護刀的鋒利,它自己則滿足於它的遲鈍。——泰戈爾 The scabbard, protects the keenness of the sword itself is content to be dull.
75、所有偉大的事跡和偉大的思想都有荒謬的開頭。——加繆 All great deeds and great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.
76、上天給人一份困難時,同時也給人一份智慧。——雨果 God gives a person a difficulties, also give a person a wisdom.