1、不論人生多不幸,聰明的人總會從中獲得一點利益;不論人生多幸福,愚蠢的人總覺得無限悲哀。——拉·羅休弗克 No matter how unfortunate life, smart people will always get a little interest; No matter how happy life, stupid people always feel infinite sorrow.
2、最甜美的是愛情,最苦澀的也是愛情。——菲·貝利 The sweetest is love, the most bitter is love.
3、對於成功的堅信不疑時常會導致真正的成功。——弗洛伊德 For successful entails that often leads to true success.
4、熱愛科學就是熱愛真理,因此,誠實是科學家的主要美德。——費爾巴哈 Love science is love truth, therefore, honesty is the main virtue of scientists.
5、有高尚思想的人永不會孤獨的。——西德尼 People with noble ideas will never be lonely.
6、在蠢人感到人生困難的時候,賢人看起來容易;而當蠢人感到容易的時候,賢者就感到困難。——歌德 When stupid life difficult, sage looks easy; And when a fool who feel easy, sage was difficult.
7、利器完不成的工作,鈍器常能派上用場。——狄更斯 Sharp finish work, can often be blunt come in handy.
8、在人生的道路上,當你的希望一個個落空的時候,你也要堅定,要沉著。——朗費羅 On the way of life, when your hope frustrated, you also be firm, to be calm.
9、我勸天公重抖擻,不拘一格降人才。——龔自珍 I urge the god alive, promising talents.
10、如果說,友誼能夠調劑人的感情的話,那麼友誼的又一種作用則是能增進人的智慧。——培根 If, the friendship can regulate people's feelings, the friendship of another role is to promote the wisdom of the people.
11、真正的才智是剛毅的誌向。——拿破侖 The real talent is resolute aspirations.
12、你可以從別人那裏得來思想,你的思想方法,即熔鑄思想的模子卻必須是你自己的。——拉姆 You can from others thought, your way of thinking, namely the mold of thought casting must be your own.
13、維持一個人的生命的事物,是他的事業。——愛默生 To maintain the life of a human being, is his career.
14、誰都沒有真正的愛情,而隻有一見鍾情。——查普曼 Who have no true love, only love at first sight.
15、成功的快樂在於一次又一次對自己的肯定,而不在於長久滿足於某件事情的完成。——羅蘭 The joy of success is again and again to own affirmation, but is not satisfied with something for a long time to complete.
16、人生是一座富礦,有待於自身去開采。——崔鶴同 Life is a rich ore, subject to their own to mining.
17、青年人如果有青年的精神,這精神就是樂觀。——茅盾 Young people if there is a young spirit, this spirit is optimistic.
18、青春是沒有經驗和任性的。——泰戈爾 There is no experience and wayward youth.
19、懶鬼起來吧!別再浪費時間,將來在墳墓內有足夠的時間讓你睡的。——富蘭克林 Slacker! In the future, don't waste time, in the tomb you have plenty of time to let you sleep.
20、革命行動吸引社會上最好的和最壞的分子。——蕭伯納 Revolutionary action to attract the best and the worst of society.
21、等你們六十歲的時候,你們就會珍惜由你們支配的每一個鍾頭了。——愛因斯坦 When your 60 years old, you will treasure every hour that dominated by you.
22、青年人充滿活力,像春水一樣豐富。——拜倫 Young people full of vitality, like quite rich.
23、勞動永遠是人類生活的基礎,是創造人類文化幸福的基礎。——馬卡連柯 Labor is the foundation of human life, forever is the basis of the creates happiness in the human culture.
24、在人生中最艱難的是選擇。——莫爾 The most difficult in life is to choose.
25、思想上的錯誤會引起語言上的錯誤,言論上的錯誤會引起行動上的錯誤。——皮薩列夫 Ideological cause linguistic errors, mistakes in speech will cause error in action.
26、人生就象打橄欖球一樣,不能犯規,也不要閃避球,而應向底線衝過去。——羅斯福 Life is like playing football, not foul, also don't dodge ball, and should be rushed over to the bottom line.
27、隻要朝著陽光,便不會看見陰影。——海倫凱勒 As long as the sun, will not see the shadow.
28、成功的花,人們隻驚羨它的明豔,然而當初的芽兒浸透了奮鬥的淚泉,灑遍了犧牲的血雨。——冰心 Successful flower, people just admiring its Ming yan, when yaren soak the struggle leiquan, however, the sacrifice of blood rain.
29、時間,就象海棉裏的水,隻要願擠,總還是有的。——魯迅 Time, just like the water in sponge, as long as willing to squeeze, always some.
30、改變你的想法,就會改變你的世界。——諾曼·文生·皮爾 Change your mind, you will change your world.
31、時間就是生命。時間就是金錢。——富蘭克林 Time is life. Time is money.
32、真正的自由屬於那些自食其力的人,並且在自己的工作中有所作為的人。——羅?科林伍德 True freedom belongs to those who stand on their own feet, and people in their own work.
33、所有人都有長處。因此總有一些我們可以學習借鑒的地方。——山姆·沃爾頓 Everyone has strengths. So there is always something we can learn from.
34、要想做一個真正的英雄是沒有選擇餘地的,往往是要麼成功要麼成仁。——希契科克 If you want to be a true hero is have no choice, tend to be either success or not.
35、有信心的人,可以化渺小為偉大,化平庸為神奇。——蕭伯納 Confident person, can be small to great, mediocre to magic.
36、誌向不過是記憶的奴隸,生氣勃勃地降生,但卻很難成長。——莎士比亞 Ambition is just a memory slave, livelily birth, but it is difficult to grow.
37、人生是由哽咽哭泣及微笑所組成的一段過程,而其中更大的部分是哽咽。 Life is made up of SOB cry and smile of a process, and the greater part is choked.
38、死生一事付鴻毛,人生到世方英傑。——秋瑾 Death had to pay a feather, the life to Fang Yingjie.
39、人生並不像火車要通過每個站似的經過每一個生活階段。人生總是直向前行走,從不留下什麼。——劉易斯 Life is not like a train to go through each station through every stage of life. Never leave what, life is always walk straight forward.
40、毅力是成功的先決條件,如果你用力不斷的敲門,總會有人應門的。——朗費羅 Persistence is a prerequisite for success, if you constantly knocking at the door hard, someone will always answers.
41、不要想象自己說的每句話,都是真理,但要保證自己說的每句話都是真話。——張傑 Don't imagine they said every word, all is the truth, but make sure you say every word is true.
42、在青年時期,我們給自己披上彩虹。——愛默生 As a youth, we clothe themselves rainbow.
43、成功與失敗的分水嶺,可以用這五個字來表達——我沒有時間。——富蘭克林 The watershed between success and failure, can use this five words to express, I have no time.
44、一個如果沒有浪費半點時間,那麼,他的年紀雖然很輕,但也可算是活得很久的了。——培根 A if there is no waste any time, so he was very young, but also is a live for a long time.
45、你無法改變全世界,你能做的就是改變你自己去適應它。——傑克遜·布朗 You can't change the world, you can do is to change yourself to adapt it.
46、以吾人數十年必死之生命,立國家億萬年不死之根基,其價值之重可知。——孫中山 With our decades will die life, national one hundred million undead foundation, its value is heavy.
47、持續不斷地勞動是人生的鐵律,也是藝術的鐵律。——巴爾紮克 Continue to labor is the iron law of life, is also the iron law of art.
48、成功是用努力,而非用希望造成。——約翰赫斯金 Success is to use efforts, rather than with hope.
49、在數學中,我們發現真理的主要工具是歸納和模擬。——拉普拉斯 In mathematics, we found that the truth is the main tool and simulation.
50、一隻雞蛋可以畫無數次,一場愛情能嗎。——達芬奇 An egg can draw many times, a love can?
51、現實是此岸,成功是彼岸,中間隔著湍急的河流,興趣便是河上的橋,隻要行動就可以通過。——克雷洛夫 The reality is this shore, success is the other shore, separated by a raging river, interest is the bridge over the river, as long as the action can be used.
52、當許多人在一條路上徘徊不前時,他們不得不讓開一條大路,讓那珍惜時間的人趕到他們的前麵去。——蘇格拉底 When many people are stuck in a way, they had to get out of the way a road, let the cherish the time people to their front.
53、我愛人生,所以我願像一個狂信者那樣投身到生命的海裏。——巴金 I love life, so I want to like a crazy believers into the sea of life.
54、複雜中帶著簡樸的思索,是人和動物的分別。——皮雅 Complex with the simple thinking, is human and animal, respectively.
55、人在意誌力和鬥爭性方麵的長處或短處,往往是導致他們成功或失敗的重要原因之一。——哈代 People in willpower and belligerence strengths or weaknesses, is often contributed to their success or failure of one of the important reasons.
56、人間之可愛,就再於它的有情有愛有牽絆。——杏林子 Lovely of the human world, and then to sentient beings with love.
57、因為真理是燦爛的,隻要有一個罅隙,就能照高整個田野。——赫爾岑 Because the truth is brilliant, as long as there is a crack, can according to the whole field.
58、一個妻子沒有辦法把丈夫拴在身邊,那是做女人的失敗。——瓊瑤 Have no way to put her husband a wife tied to the side, that is to be a woman's failure.
59、我是孤獨的,我是自由的,我就是自己的帝王。——康德 I am lonely, I am free, I am his emperor.
60、榮譽妒忌成功,而成功卻以為自己就是榮譽。——讓·羅斯唐 Honor jealous of success, but success has thought oneself is honor.
61、人生誠然有許多煩惱,但在滿懷信心,意誌堅定的人看來,無難不可摧,樂觀努力,就是秘訣。——彭歌 Indeed have many troubles in life, but in the confidence, determination, there is no hard to secure, optimistic, is secret.
62、才能的火花,常常在勤奮的磨石上迸發。——威廉·李卜克內西 Can spark, often on the hard stone.
63、青年的形象應該是純潔、熱情、有正確批評能力的。——池田大作 The image of the youth should be pure, warm, with the ability to correct criticism.
64、隻有經過長時間完成其發展的艱苦工作,並長期埋頭沉沒於其中的任務,方可有所成就。——黑格爾 Only after a long time to complete the development of hard work, and long-term head sunk in the task, can accomplish something.
65、真正美麗的東西必須一方麵跟自然一致,另一方麵跟理想一致。——席勒 Really beautiful things must be consistent with nature on the one hand, on the other hand with ideal.
66、教育不能創造什麼,但它能啟發兒童創造力以從事於創造工作。——陶行知 Education can't create anything, but it can inspire children's creativity to engaged in creative work.
67、隻要不違反公正的法律,那麼人人都有完全的自由以自己的方式追求自己的利益。——亞當·斯密 As long as not against the law of justice, so everyone has complete freedom in their own way to pursue their own interests.
68、道德普遍地被認為是人類的最高目的,因此也是教育的最高目的。——赫爾巴特 Moral commonly thought to be the highest purpose of human, so is the supreme purpose of education.
69、人生一世,草木一秋。——馮夢龍 Life is a life time, plant an autumn.